Musical Humor


Q: What do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft?
A: A flat minor.

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
A: To get away from the bassoon recital.


St. Peter is presiding at the Pearly Gates, and first comes a Texan. “Tell me, what have you done in life?” says St. Peter.

The Texan says, “Well, I struck oil, so I became rich, but I didn’t sit on my laurels. I divided all my money among my entire family in my will, so our descendants are all set for about three generations.”

St. Peter says, “That’s quite something. Come on in. Next!”

The second guy in line has been listening, so he says, “I struck it big in the stock market, but I didn’t selfishly just provide for my own like that Texan guy. I donated $5 million to Save the Children.”

“Wonderful!” says St. Peter. “Come in. Who’s next?”

The third guy has been listening, and says timidly with a downcast look, “Well, I only made five thousand dollars in my entire lifetime.”

“Heavens!” says St. Peter. “What instrument did you play?”

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