We’re tired of being condescended to by the Obamas, by Oprah, by rich celebrities, by corporate media people with multi-million dollar salaries, all with large homes in which they live, paid off along with their summer homes in the Hamptons and Martha’s Vineyard, telling us the economy is doing very, very well. We only think that we’re economically struggling because we don’t understand the data.
We’re tired of being insulted. We’re not Nazis. We’re not garbage. We want to be able to buy things. We want to be able to walk around our neighborhoods without being harassed or robbed or killed. We don’t want unchecked immigration.
We are trying to improve our lives and our jobs and our communities and no one is listening because they’re too busy posting selfies with Alex Soros.
We have a government telling us that they’re defending democracy while simultaneously doing things that we thought only happened in totalitarian dictatorships: censorship of political enemies, censorship of “misinformation,” prosecution of political enemies, trying to put the Republican presidential candidate in prison before the election, trying to remove his name from the ballot so no one can vote for him.
We hate the political status quo and we repudiate all of it.
My fellow Americans –
I’m proud of you today. I knew you could do it. The tree of liberty has been refreshed by the blood of tyrants.
You rose up to say, “We are Americans. We are not an afterthought to massive corporations and hedge fund billionaires and illegal immigrants. If your plan is to raise a ton of money and run nasty ads saying we can’t vote for this person, that he is flawed — well, stay up late election night and see what we’ve done.”
God Bless America.