What’s Going On in Delaware?


This may be the thread of the year.

As noted, the teacher was forced to resign in 2018, the reason being the discovery of some of his past tweets, including one calling then-Delaware Gov. Ruth Ann Minner a “Butch Bitch” and wondering whether a video of “chocolate, caramel and vanilla brothas” gang-raping Minner would boost her poll numbers, another suggesting that “blowing all the Muslims up” perhaps isn’t such a bad idea, and one suggesting a child molester is justified if his wife is a “stank-ugly ho.”

There’s a lot more where that came from, so if that piques your interest, read the whole thread.

Remember as you’re reading it that this is the kind of thinking that gets you elected teachers’ union president. The teacher, Mike Matthews, is still a teacher in the district.

Matthews’s husband, Jose Matthews, is the current school board president.

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