EppsNet Archive: Billy Eichner

Billy Eichner Laments


Billy Eichner Laments Box Office Flop of His LGBTQ Rom-Com — mediaite.com “Laments.” It’s lamentable that no one paid to see his gay rom-com. But really, who did anyone think was going to see it? Billy Eichner fans? Maybe I’m not up to speed on popular culture but I’ve never heard of Billy Eichner. Rom-com fans? I hate rom-coms, as does every adult male that I know. I don’t like movies about love. Why do people cry over love stories with a happy ending? Are they crying tears of joy? No . . . I think they’re crying because we’ve all lived long enough to know that there probably is no such thing as true love and if there is, we’re all going to get old and die without finding it. Still, women love rom-coms — why else would Sandra Bullock be famous? — and sometimes they can get a… Read more →