EppsNet Archive: Laughter

More People I’m Sick Unto Death Of


Colleagues whose most conspicuous contribution to the workplace is to laugh irrepressibly at the boss’s jokes . . . Read more →

Thoroughly Smug and Thoroughly Uncomfortable


O generation of the thoroughly smug    and thoroughly uncomfortable, I have seen fishermen picnicking in the sun, I have seen them with untidy families, I have seen their smiles full of teeth    and heard ungainly laughter. And I am happier than you are, And they were happier than I am; And the fish swim in the lake    and do not even own clothing. — Ezra Pound, “Salutation” Read more →

Hearty and Fleeting


Photo by melliemels Then, before the rain began, the old place appeared to be, not a lost way of life or one to be imitated, but a vision of life as hearty and fleeting as laughter . . . — John Cheever, The Wapshot Chronicle Read more →