EppsNet Archive: Mickey Kaus

Why is Obama a Bad Politician?


The answer is distressingly obvious: Obama’s the biggest affirmative action baby in history. When other pols are trying, failing, learning, while climbing up the middle rungs of the ladder, he got a pass. — Mickey Kaus Read more →

Twitter: 2010-12-15


RT @kausmickey: The revolution will not be search-engine optimized! # Read more →

Twitter: 2010-10-26


RT @SarahKSilverman: I’m starting a campaign called Naps for Jesus. So basically every time I take a nap, it’ll be for Jesus. #napsforjesus # RT @eddiepepitone: Make no mistakes I tell very small children! Be perfect! Life is like a bank heist! Then I walk away crying. # RT @eddiepepitone: I always strike out at the weakest person in my prayer circle but I make up for it by bringing delicious baked goods. # RT @MrsRupertPupkin: A good way to spend the day is to repeatedly track the shipping status on recent Amazon or Zappos orders. # RT @kausmickey: Chevy: You already bought it! #betterchevyslogans # Read more →

Twitter: 2010-09-11


RT @kausmickey: Once again troubled by possibility that LA Times might not collapse & vanish quickly enough to enable vibrant civic culture. # Overheard: "Therein lies the rub." # Read more →

Twitter: 2010-07-31


The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. — Bertrand Russell # RT @kausmickey: Just had flash that I maybe I could go to law school. Then realized I've already been to law school. #fb # Read more →

Teachers Unions


In our biggest school systems, it’s become virtually impossible to fight the teachers unions and fire bad teachers. The giant Los Angeles Unified school system, with 33,000 teachers, fires only about 21 a year, or fewer than 1 in 1,000, according to the findings of an L.A. Times investigation. Now either Los Angeles has the greatest teachers in the world or something is very wrong. Talk to parents and you’ll know the answer. — Mickey Kaus Read more →

What If They Cost Money?


David Brooks declares “we spend too much on health care” (on NPR) then demands “innovation” and “new technologies.” What if they cost money? — @kausmickey (Mickey Kaus) Read more →

I Feel Safer Already


Spirit-crushing foolishness from my candidate, John Kerry. The nation is trying to figure out how to fight global terrorism and he’s talking about having ‘not just a Department of Health and Human Services, but a Department of Wellness.’ How about a Department of F***ing Perspective? — Mickey Kaus Read more →