EppsNet Archive: Overheard



“I beat the traffic this morning. I got here an hour and a half early, but I only had to get up 45 minutes earlier.” “So you saved 45 minutes.” “I saved . . . let’s see . . . (looking thoughtfully skyward) . . . 45 minutes! Read more →



A project manager talking to a business analyst: PM: Can you have that done by today? BA: No I can’t, and here’s why. [Lengthy explanation deleted.] I can have it done by next week. PM: Can you have it done by tomorrow? Read more →



You can’t beat that with a sharp stick! Why does the stick have to be sharp if you’re just going to beat something with it? Read more →

Overheard at Bob Hope’s 100th Birthday Party


“I wanna tell ya, this Bob Hope is really funny.” “You are Bob Hope.” “I am?! Am I still alive?” Read more →



The best thing about all the NBA players from Europe and Latin America is when they’re interviewed after the game, you can understand them. Read more →



A brief conversation between Victor, one of our project managers, and our Sales VP as Victor is walking out of the VP’s office: VP: You’re the greatest! VICTOR: I’m trying. VP (louder now, as Victor is halfway down the hall): Thanks, Wayne! Read more →



Him: I’m going to Shooters tonight, if you want to go. Have you ever been there on Wednesdays? Her: I’ve been to Shooters. Him: Have you ever been on a Wednesday? Her: Actually, I try to avoid places like that. Him: I’ve never been either. My buddy wanted to go. Read more →

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