[And That’s the Truth is a feature by our guest blogger, Sojourner Truth — PE]
Man I am so tired of hearing about “the talk” that black parents supposed to have with their boys. What do they talk about? “Carry guns in your car, resist arrest, get into a fight with a cop, flee the scene of a crime”?
That ain’t the same talk white parents give, which is you have an encounter with a cop, you say yes sir, no sir, follow directions, be deferential. Have your day in court if it comes to that. Cop tells you to stand on your head, then stand on your fuckin head. Don’t be some “I know my rights” wiseass.
Resistin arrest is a damn poor survival tactic. You dont even need a talk for that. All you got to be is a person living in America to know that. Black boys gettin shot cause they dont know how to act. What is “the talk”? What are you talkin about? Either you aint talkin right or they aint listning and theyre gettin killed.
And that’s the Truth!