EppsNet Archive: Twitter

Thomas Jefferson on Oligarchies


My fellow Americans – It’s the oligarchy guy again (video below). I don’t remember his principled denunciation of George Soros receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Or Mark Zuckerberg serving as Biden’s personal censor. Or Google for rigging search results to the Biden admin narratives. Or Reid Hoffman, Michael Bloomberg, Howard Schultz, Tom Steyer . . . Oh, he means REPUBLICAN oligarchs . . . Oligarchy is the enemy of democracy. As Louis Brandeis said, “America has a choice. We can either have great wealth in the hands of a few, or we can have a democracy. But we cannot have both.”https://t.co/wvSxNhYrKc pic.twitter.com/kYMni0HDZM — Robert Reich (@RBReich) January 18, 2025 Read more →

Budget Cuts Are a Diversion from the Real LA Fire Incompetence


The budget cuts are a total diversion from policies that emphasize everything except competence and results. The cuts were $17.6 million. I've seen countless news stories on this, some of which describe the cuts as "slashing" the budget, but none of them mention what the annual… — Paul Epps (@paulepps) January 11, 2025 Read more →

Catholic Abortionists


This Catholic thing irks me. If you don't believe in the teachings of the Church, find a new religion. If you don't believe in God at all — and if you feel like you can flout Church doctrine with no consequences, you probably don't — be an atheist. You can't be a successful… — Paul Epps (@paulepps) January 4, 2025 Read more →

I’m Anti-Incompetence


"A $42 billion expansion of broadband internet service has yet to connect a single household. "Bureaucratic haggling, equipment shortages and logistical challenges mean a $7.5 billion effort to install electric vehicle chargers from coast to coast has so far yielded just 47… — Paul Epps (@paulepps) January 3, 2025 Read more →

Lie of the Year 2024


PolitiFact’s ‘Lie of the Year’ and its impact on the Ohio town caught in the middle | PBS News https://t.co/ICRRswZ3DE — Paul Epps (@paulepps) December 31, 2024 According to PolitiFact, the Lie of the Year is that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, OH, were eating dogs and cats. First of all, I’d like to see someone convince me that statement is a lie. I can’t prove that it’s true, but I have seen videos of Springfield citizens at city council meetings saying that it’s true. How can PolitiFact say definitively that it’s a lie? There aren’t any missing cats or dogs in Springfield? What happened to them? And secondly, even if it’s false, it’s trivial. Here are some candidates for Lie of the Year, selected by me. “I will not pardon my son.” This was said by Joe Biden, then propagated by other Democrats and the media to exemplify that Biden… Read more →

Jasmine Crockett

As Everyone Knows by Now, the Pediatric Cancer Story is Phony


Jasmine Crockett: Trump wanted $90M for inauguration while cutting $190M from cancer research Absolutely Mind Blowing Drop a ? for Jasmine pic.twitter.com/f1I1Gk80Fb — A (@bluhue123) December 28, 2024 The author and Crockett are a little late to the party. Thanks in large part to X, everyone knows that the pediatric cancer story is phony. That bill passed the (Republican) house with virtually zero “no” votes in March, then went to the Senate, where it was never brought up for a vote and was eventually jammed in to a 1,500-page CR, along with a big raise for Congress and god knows what else. It should have been voted on nine months ago as a standalone bill but wasn’t, so that if Republicans objected to a 1,500-page CR, Democrats could pull out that one thing and say “Republicans hate kids with cancer.” Read more →

Monetizing Fake News


Monetizing fake news. It's genius. Amazingly, several pundits are quoted to the effect that calling someone a rapist in the absence of a verdict is not such a bad thing. ? It's slander, you numbskulls.https://t.co/CUvq9qieEp — Paul Epps (@paulepps) December 16, 2024 Some of the comments are extraordinary. Someone named Michael J. Stern says When George Stephanopoulos said Trump “raped” E. Jean Carroll, he was using the word colloquially. I didn’t even know there was a “colloquial” use of the word “rape.” Did he use finger quotes when he said it. I bet he didn’t. Justin Baragona of the Daily Beast says, “This sets a worrisome precedent,” i.e., that you can’t say someone is guilty of a crime in the absence of a verdict. The Daily Beast is worried about that. Read more →

God is Not Mocked


I’m not a believer myself, nor am I anti-abortion, but I have no use for “Catholics” with more reverence for abortion than for the teachings of the Church. Should not have defied the pro-abortion Eucharist ban. God is gonna cut you down.https://t.co/lRH7weEVwq — Paul Epps (@paulepps) December 15, 2024 Read more →

Supercut on the Hunter Biden Pardon


SUPERCUT! Corporate media: Obviously Biden would never pardon Hunter pic.twitter.com/gJRhASCAUs — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) December 2, 2024 Anti-Trump pundits and cable news talking heads singing Biden’s praises for his no-pardon pledge and using it to rip Trump to shreds, pointing out the “stark contrast” with Trump’s complaints that the Justice Department was weaponized against him. Did not age well. Read more →

What You’re Missing on BlueSky


An example of the elevated intellectual discourse currently taking place on BlueSky: Read more →

What Could Cause This Behavior?


The election results? https://t.co/uzepYVG62w — Paul Epps (@paulepps) November 15, 2024 Read more →

Money for Nothing


Outrage at MSNBC after Al Sharpton took cash from Kamala pre-interview https://t.co/fPKsGCA8eX via @MailOnline — Paul Epps (@paulepps) November 14, 2024 Sharpton has been doing this for decades — giving his blessing to people, companies and organizations in exchange for money. Given his history, why anyone would want to tout his blessing is a mystery. The payments to Sharpton’s organization came as part of a $5.4 million fund the Harris campaign dished out to black and Hispanic advocacy groups to help bolster her candidacy among minority voters. Given that minority group voters migrated en masse to Trump, I think Harris should be entitled to a refund. I’m not sure about this, but I don’t think Trump paid anyone to endorse him or give him a softball interview. Read more →

33 Ways to Leave Your Party


This document should be in the Smithsonian. It should be preserved as part of the written history of American democracy. I can hear the spirit of Thomas Paine saying, "Well done." https://t.co/vSs4BpfBU4 — Paul Epps (@paulepps) October 13, 2024 Read more →

Be Careful What You Wish For


https://t.co/FsmFMDsHe8 — Paul Epps (@paulepps) October 8, 2024 I live in the greater L.A. area, so I’m familiar with Gascón. How many times has this happened over the past few years? Voters elect “progressive” DAs, only to vote them out at the first opportunity when it turns out that progressive prosecutors don’t want to prosecute anyone, resulting in high-crime areas that no one wants to live in. A couple of years ago in San Francisco, voters didn’t even wait till the next election. DA Chesa Boudin was ousted in a recall election. I’m not as familiar with Boudin, but if you’re too progressive for San Francisco, you’ve got to be completely off the charts. Be careful what you wish for. Read more →

Perverse Incentives


CORRUPTION: Ever wonder how politicians get so rich? They funnel billions into NGOs where their families work and who pay them to speak and to serve on boards. The $24 billion California spent on the homeless crisis went almost exclusively to NGOs who rely on a steady stream of… pic.twitter.com/48g8WkO9Y0 — @amuse (@amuse) September 22, 2024 This is common. People make money advocating for the solution to a social problem. They don’t solve the problem, they advocate for a solution to the problem. If the problem were solved, their money stream would dry up. Perverse incentives, as the poster says. Read more →

NBC: Trump Is Just Asking to Get Shot


So he was asking for it, according to NBC. Use fierce rhetoric, get shot. No mention of the possible effect of fierce rhetoric used *against* Trump.https://t.co/yPQEnLSujz — Paul Epps (@paulepps) September 16, 2024 Read more →

Another Instance When it Would Be Great to Have Functioning Media


If indeed this turns out to be true, which is looking increasingly likely, consider the character of the presidential candidate that would cheat in a debate, allowing her staff to negotiate the questions in advance, the camera angles, the required fact checking of her opponent,… https://t.co/RrmYoy151N — Bill Ackman (@BillAckman) September 15, 2024 I’d like to see CBS or NBC or some other news outlet look into this but I don’t think it’s going to happen. Everyone seems to be on the same team. Read more →

Political Suicide Averted


Gavin Newsom Slaps Down Democrats’ Attempt To Give Home Loans To Illegal Migrants https://t.co/NPkK9lDjDu via @dailycaller — Paul Epps (@paulepps) September 8, 2024 I heard Nancy Pelosi on Bill Maher’s show saying this bill was a great idea. Maher suggested that free houses for migrants is maybe not a great idea. “It’s not free housing,” Pelosi said. “It’s making the American dream available to more people.” HAHA. “It’s making the American dream available to people who are not Americans.” People who’ve lived and worked in the US their whole lives can’t afford to buy houses. Especially in California. Let’s say we did give free down payments to illegal immigrants. How are they going to make the payments? It’s illegal for them to hold a job. How are they going to pay for insurance, property tax, HOA, upkeep? To Newsom’s credit, he recognizes political suicide when he sees it. Read more →

Complacent Mental Laziness


I can’t find even one comment on this LinkedIn post from someone who went to X and did a search for “billie eilish donald trump” and discovered, as I did, that that video is all over the platform. It’s not deleted. Or forget the search. Even the phrasing is an obvious lie. How can you retweet something if it’s been banned? Complacent mental laziness is a national disease at this point. Read more →

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