EppsNet Archive: Anxiety

Drunk guy

I Used to Be Depressed, Broke and Anxious


I used to be depressed, broke and anxious. Now I’m just depressed and anxious. 🙂 I appreciate this gentleman contributing free advice. It seems worthwhile. But something is off when the first thing a person tells you about themselves is how much money they make. I just read an article about a loneliness epidemic in Silicon Valley. People make a lot of money in Silicon Valley but apparently can’t figure out how to convert it into joy or connection. I’ve never seen any evidence that people with a lot of money are happier than anyone else. Quite the opposite, really. People think they’d be happy if they just had lots of money. Then they get lots of money and they’re no happier than they were before. Plus they’ve lost the fallback of thinking that the reason they’re not happy is that they don’t have a lot of money. There are… Read more →

Feel-Good Marketing


Over the past few years, marketing has become much more inclusive in terms of using models of all ages, shapes, sizes, colors, not retouching the photos, etc., rather than saturating our lives with images of flawless, unattainable beauty. Why is this not a terrible idea? Of course, we’re all beautiful in our own way, but from a marketing perspective, the ideal consumer is someone who is anxious, depressed and constantly dissatisfied. Academic studies from the most respected institutions show that sad people are bigger spenders. Helping people feel better about themselves the way they are may be laudable, but it doesn’t make the cash box jingle. P.S. I’ve never worked in marketing but I think I’d be good at it. Although I would also hate it. Read more →

A Positive Human Future?


If you were a farmer in Nebraska 100 years ago when the Titanic went down, you wouldn’t have known about that for about six months. Today we’re bombarded with news, almost all of which is bad, and yet people wonder about the epidemic of depression and anxiety. What is journalism’s vision of a positive human future? Where are the people who are being praised for bringing about a positive human future? Where is the news about virtue and heroism in the world? Read more →



I acknowledge my sadness and fear and anxiety. Grant me the courage to be a better version of myself, and the hope to be virtuous to others, to be resilient in the face of tragedy. Read more →

The Ideal Consumer


The ideal consumer is someone who is anxious, depressed and constantly dissatisfied. Academic studies from the most respected institutions show that sad people are bigger spenders. Why do you think our lives are saturated with images of flawless, unattainable beauty? Read more →

Why Are Anxiety Disorders So Prevalent?


Evolutionary pressures led humans to develop cognitive biases . . . Read more →

Twitter: 2010-06-06


RT @eddiepepitone: Sundays in my household is a time for reflection, murderous rage, meat and anxiety about monday. # Read more →

Just Saying Hello


I have great anxiety, hope, desperation, regret, anger, joy, shingles and insight. I balance all of these just saying hello to someone. — Eddie Pepitone Read more →