EppsNet Archive: Bill Maher

Political Suicide Averted


Gavin Newsom Slaps Down Democrats’ Attempt To Give Home Loans To Illegal Migrants https://t.co/NPkK9lDjDu via @dailycaller — Paul Epps (@paulepps) September 8, 2024 I heard Nancy Pelosi on Bill Maher’s show saying this bill was a great idea. Maher suggested that free houses for migrants is maybe not a great idea. “It’s not free housing,” Pelosi said. “It’s making the American dream available to more people.” HAHA. “It’s making the American dream available to people who are not Americans.” People who’ve lived and worked in the US their whole lives can’t afford to buy houses. Especially in California. Let’s say we did give free down payments to illegal immigrants. How are they going to make the payments? It’s illegal for them to hold a job. How are they going to pay for insurance, property tax, HOA, upkeep? To Newsom’s credit, he recognizes political suicide when he sees it. Read more →

We Will All Be Gay in 2054?


A recent Gallup poll shows that less than 1% of Americans born before 1946 identified as LGBT. Now, according to the poll, 2.6% of Baby Boomers consider themselves LGBT; 4.2% of Gen Xers do; 10.5% of Millennials do, and 20.8% of Gen Zers do. This all makes less sense given that the Ls, Gs and Bs are very different from the Ts and shouldn’t all be lumped together, but that said, Bill Maher comments: Which means if we follow this trajectory, we will all be gay in 2054. When things change this much, this fast, people are allowed to ask, ‘What’s up with that?’ All the babies are in the wrong bodies? Some folks will say that people do not have a right to wonder what is going on, and consider questions about transgenderism to be hateful. Someone needs to say it: Not everything’s about you. And it’s okay to… Read more →