EppsNet Archive: Dating

It’s Hard to Remember Which Side the Intolerant Bigots Are Really On


“One thing I’ve noticed about online dating profiles is that a lot of people will say something like ‘No Trump Supporters,’ but I’ve never seen one profile where someone says ‘No Trump Haters’ or ‘Trump Supporters Only.’” “That’s interesting. I mean, Trump is a polarizing figure but I’d expect it to split about 50-50 between ‘No Trump Supporters’ and ‘No Trump Haters.’” “No, that’s not the case. It’s not 50-50, it’s 100-0. Nor are there specific exclusions mentioned for other polarizing figures, i.e., ‘No Bernie Bros’ or ‘No Socialists.’ I’ve never seen ‘No Atheists’ or ‘No Christians.’ But I see a lot of ‘No Trumpsters.’ “Ironically, the main beef about Trump and his supporters, as I understand it, is they are intolerant bigots. It makes you wonder, you know, which side the intolerant bigots are really on.” Read more →

There’s So Much Loneliness in the World


  “I had a coffee date yesterday. My first date in over 25 years.” “You met online?” “Yes.” “How did it go?” “It was heartbreaking. She was 39 years old, still lives with her mother and uncle, has a personality that explains why she still lives with her mother and uncle at the age of 39 . . . and yet she dressed up, drove out to meet me hoping I suppose that maybe I was the person who would save her from being alone the rest of her life. “And of course I was hoping something similar about her. But I couldn’t save her and she couldn’t save me. There’s so much loneliness in the world. I wish I could save everyone but I can’t save anyone. Including myself.” Read more →

Things to Leave Out of Your Online Dating Profile


Former NFL player Rae Carruth released from prison after serving 18 years for killing his pregnant girlfriend — NY Daily News Read more →

20-Something Girlfriends


Mel Gibson expecting NINTH child: Lethal Weapon star, 60, announces his girlfriend, 26, is pregnant — Daily Mail Online Here are the ages of Gibson’s current children: 36, 34 (twins), 31, 28, 26, 17, 6. OK, Gibson is better looking than I am, he has a lot more money than I do . . . on the other hand, I’m younger and taller (Wikipedia lists him as 5’10”). It gives one pause . . . Read more →

Chinese Women Can Afford to be Picky


Via Steven Landsburg: China has one of the highest male-female sex ratios in the world. That means women can afford to be picky. Here are the requirements listed by a female graduate student seeking a mate on the Chinese equivalent of match.com: Never married Masters degree or more Not from Wuhan No rural I.D. card No only children No smokers No alcoholics No gamblers Taller than one hundred and seventy-two centimeters More than a year of dating before marriage Sporty Parents who are still together Annual salary over fifty thousand yuan Between twenty-six and thirty-two years of age Willing to guarantee eating at least four dinners at home per week At least two ex-girlfriends but no more than four No Virgos, no Capricorns Read more →

Who Pays for Dinner?


I’m listening to a couple of women talking about their new beaus and who should pay for the dinner dates in a budding relationship. Man pays? Take turns? 50/50? For what it’s worth, ladies, back when I was dating, I paid for the food, but depending on how the rest of the evening played out, I might have to say, “In that case, pay me back for the sandwiches.” Read more →

Bad Personal Ad


I enjoy sadness, long walks in the dark, painful arguments that have no closure, sugarless cough drops and Jimmy Fallon. — Eddie Pepitone Read more →

Want a Date? Consider Becoming an Atheist


OkCupid.com analyzed over 500,000 first contacts on their online dating site to see how certain keywords and phrases affected reply rates. The results could be considered a set of rules for what you should and shouldn’t say when introducing yourself online. Thinking of mentioning religion? The graph below shows reply rates of messages containing the listed keywords, plotted against the average reply rate of 32%. Read more →

Your Face is Your Fortune


OkCupid’s analysis of how your looks affect your online dating results is chock full of interesting insights. The one that really jumped out at me is that while men’s rating of women’s looks follows a normal distribution — some low, some high, most in the middle — women rate 80% of men as worse-looking than average, but then go ahead and date them anyway. Read more →

Twitter: 2009-11-19


Your Looks and Your Inbox « OkCupid http://okcupid.com/z/bf2 # RT @TelegraphNews Women 'should bare 40 per cent of their bodies to attract men' http://bit.ly/RGtkn # Read more →

Twitter: 2009-09-02


HarvardBusiness.org: 3 Things You Didn't Know About Marine Corps Leadership http://bit.ly/3XHmHu # Philip Garrido's Guide to Low-Budget Dating #badbookproposals # Read more →

Twitter: 2009-08-11


Writing Microcopy http://bit.ly/pYMPz # Hof's Hut closes. Went there on my first date, then to a movie at the Cinedome, which was demolished 10 years ago. http://tinyurl.com/nkc2s8 # Read more →

Twitter: 2009-08-10


RT @diablocody: I wonder if there are any amazing singles who live right in my area. # Leading When You Don't Have Formal Authority http://bit.ly/EST45 # Read more →

Happy Valentine’s Day


Who knew Carrie Fisher has a blog? — I happen to be the possessor of a very big personality . . . When I date someone, I generally have about three months of a personality available and then I finally come to the end of it. I need to refuel, I short-circuit. And then whoever I’m with shows up, and a lot of the times I don’t like him so much. Now wait, I just got a little quieter and what’d you just say? You didn’t read this? You’ve never seen that? You don’t know who that is? You really think that about me? He bothers me – not that I’m so great, but the enchantment wears off, and then the sleeping giant wakes up and says, “Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of someone dumb.” Read more →

Watching Olympic Women’s Weightlifting with a 10th Grader


“These women look worse than the Australian basketball team,” the boy says. “Some of them would be cute,” I say, “if they lost about 150 pounds.” An eHarmony commercial comes on . . . We prescreen candidates for compatibility . . . “Good,” the boy says, “because I don’t want to date any women weightlifters.” Read more →