EppsNet Archive: Frank Lloyd Wright

Conversations with Frank Gehry


[From Conversations with Frank Gehry by Barbara Isenberg. Gehry (Class of ’54) is a USC grad — like me!] On the influence of Frank Lloyd Wright: I studied every section drawing, model and building of Frank Lloyd Wright. Everything. I went to see what he did in Oak Park. I went to see Robie House. I went to see Unity Temple. I studied Taliesin East and Taliesin West. I studied his planning ideas at Broadacre City and his ideas about the high-rise and his Mile High Building. I read everything I could about Wright’s life, and I visited the buildings in Marin County that were built after his death. I knew Frank Lloyd Wright. On the competition to design Walt Disney Concert Hall, eventually won by Gehry: My European colleagues thought I had the inside track, but it was quite the opposite. I was the long shot. In fact, in… Read more →