EppsNet Archive: Italian Game

Chess Game of the Day: Italian Game


One of my online chess games. White takes a pawn advantage, Black evens, then achieves a winning position, bungles it but wins on time (1+2 bullet game). Some annotations below . . . 8. …Be7 (8. …cxd5?? 9. Qxa8) 10. Ba4 White is up a pawn but Black is fine. 13. …Qxe3+ In hindsight, I like 13. …Nxb3 better. The actual move I think gives White a small edge, 29. Rf2? (29. f4 is a better way to block the Black bishop.) 39. c5? (39. Rc5 puts more pressure on the Black pawns.) 40. Kf2? (40. Kg2 looks better.) 40. …Rb2+? (Not as good as 40. …g4.) 43. …fxg4 Black has a winning position. 45. …h3?? Black wins with either 45. …Kh7 or 45. …Rc1+. White had 23 seconds left here but just ran out the clock. It seems counterintuitive but White can draw even two pawns down here with… Read more →

Chess Game of the Day: Italian Game Sudden Death


One of my online chess games. Some annotations below . . . 3. Bc4 Italian Game 3. …Nf6 Two Knights Defense 5. …Na5 Polerio Defense 6. Bb5+ Bishop Check Line 8. …Qd5?! More speculative than 8. …Nd5 15. Qf2? I thought White had the advantage had he played 15. Nh3, blocking the Black rook from pinning the White h-pawn. 17. Re2?? White has a playable position by covering the rook with 17. Kg1 (probably best) or one of several knight moves, but any effort at saving the rook by moving it results in . . . 17. …Ng3# Read more →