EppsNet Archive: Lobotomies

Johns Hopkins Chief Psychiatrist: Transgender is a Mental Disorder


Real doctors tell people the truth regardsless of who gets furious. pic.twitter.com/mKkmCzUJz1 — Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@DrLoupis) May 5, 2023 I’d rewrite that headline to say Stupid People Furious! Well, that’s a little harsh. Let’s change it to Uninformed People Furious! Let me start my saying that I’ve had a couple of cancerous skin lesions removed, and because the removal was medically necessary, the cost of the removal was covered by my health insurance. I’ve also had a couple of benign lesions removed just because I thought they were unsightly. Those removals were not medically necessary so I had to pay for their removal myself. People identifying as transgender don’t want to pay for puberty blockers and hormone treatments and surgeries out of their own pocket so what we came up with is “gender dysphoria,” a mental disorder. Now everything becomes medically necessary and can be billed to health… Read more →