EppsNet Archive: Maya Angelou

More People I’m Sick Unto Death Of: Dr. Maya Angelou


Maya Angelou received quite a few honorary doctoral degrees in her lifetime and elected for some reason to refer to herself as Dr. Maya Angelou, despite not having an earned doctoral degree and despite, to my knowledge, never attending college at all. Many famous people are given honorary doctorates by universities but thank god they don’t all go around referring to themselves as, say, Dr. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dr. Mike Tyson, Dr. Glenn Beck, etc., etc., etc. I’m also sick unto death of people who quote insipid thoughts from Maya Angelou as profundities, particularly if they refer to her as Dr. Maya Angelou when doing so. Read more →

More People I’m Sick Unto Death Of


Anyone who REALLY likes one or more of the following: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Tom Clancy Golf The Big Lebowski Beer (bonus points if you call it “brew”) Las Vegas Boating KISS Skiing Frank Zappa (bonus points if you just say “Zappa”) Their own abs When Harry Met Sally… Mitch Albom Maya Angelou Read more →