EppsNet Archive: University of Michigan

Purpose in the Workplace


There was a Harris Poll survey years ago that asked employees how connected they were to the purpose and core values of their company. 37 percent of these US workforce employees clearly knew their company’s purpose. 20 percent were enthusiastic about the purpose of the company. 20 percent could see how they as an employee could support the purpose of the company. 15 percent felt enabled to work toward the purpose 20 percent fully trusted the company that employed them. Is that a good set of statistics or not? It’s not unexpected when you look at the US workforce right now. What if that were a football team? So what if you’re the quarterback on this football team and on this football team, on the offensive side, there are 11 players and you find among all 11 players that only four of them know which goal they’re going to. That… Read more →

Coursera Recommendations


Coursera‘s been around long enough now that some classes are being offered for a second time, including a couple that I’ve taken and recommend: Modern & Contemporary American Poetry, taught by Al Filreis at Penn Social Network Analysis, taught by Lada Adamic at the University of Michigan Read more →