In addition to the timely pay for acceptable services he offers, there are a few additional conditions that he imposes on you, if you are one of his subordinates. These are:
- What actions you take, you believe in.
- What commitments you make, you keep,
- What resources you have, you use.
- What words you say, you believe to be true.
- What you create, you intend to be great.
He knows that if you buy something from an expert, you are wise to let them to deliver it on their own. . . .
He requires that the team credibly believe itself to be doing something great, and also insists that all involved relentlessly pursue – and always adopt – what they think is the best available idea. . . .
He never allows people to say, “People say…” If unidentified “people” have something to say, they can come say it. He listens. He just doesn’t believe in the self-appointed representation of selves not one’s own.