My son’s just diagnosed and fixed a problem with my wife’s laptop PC . . .
“I should join the Northwood [his high school] Tech Squad,” he says, “with all the guys who tuck their shirts in.”

“That reminds me,” my wife says to him. “What clubs are you in at school?”
“What clubs am I in?” he says. “How about none?”
“You need to be in a club,” she says.
I say, “He’s in football and roller hockey.”
“He can be in those,” she says, “but he still needs to be in a club so he can get to know people.”
For some reason, this launches the boy into a Rodgers and Hammerstein tune . . .
“Getting to knooooow yooooou . . .”
“Can you look it up,” my wife says, “and see what clubs they have at Northwood?”
“No,” I say. “I’m busy.” Which I am.
“When can you do it?” she says.
“Why can’t you do it?”
“I need it by tomorrow.”
The boy’s now coming to the end of the stanza . . .
“. . . my cup of tea.”
How he knows that song so well, I have no idea, but maybe there’s a musical theater club we can get him into . . .