[And That’s the Truth is a feature by our guest blogger, Sojourner Truth — PE]
The media dont give a goddamn about Asians unless they can fit em into a narrative that they like and thanks to some idiot in Atlanta shooting up massage parlors, Asians can be fit now into two narratives.
The guy in Atlanta said massage parlors gave him a sex addiction so he had to shoot eight people. Six of em were Asian women. I dont know if’n youve noticed this but theres a lot of Asian women in massage parlors.
But the narrative is white supremacy and he hates Asians. So why did he shoot the other two people? Does he hate Asians but he caint tell is someone Asian or not?
And the other narrative is wealth disparity. See, you got them crazy rich Asians and then you got the Asians who aint rich and have to work in massage parlors and get shot.
It’s all story-tellin’. There ain’t no surge of anti-Asian racism. There just ain’t.
And that’s the Truth!