The J21 Coup


For years now, you could go online every day and see new videos of Joe Biden falling down, mumbling incoherently, wandering around lost and confused. But if you said anything about this out loud, you’d be called a far-right MAGA propagandist (or something similar), accused of spreading disinformation.

And by the way, according to Democrats and corporate media, those videos were fake.

Then came the Trump-Biden debate. Why Biden would agree to stand next to Trump for 90 minutes and debate, I have no idea. My best guess is that, in addition to lacking awareness of his own condition, he was instructed to do it by Democratic insiders who wanted to give the country a cold, frost-brewed dose of reality, and to obtain a solid reason for dumping Biden as the presidential nominee.

If that was the plan, it worked.

After the debate, more people by the day withdrew their support, people who for years had been lying about Biden’s mental and physical health: Why, behind closed doors, he’s riding unicycles and juggling knives! Sharp as a tack! Amazing grasp of issues! We can’t keep up with him!

Having a vegetable in the Oval Office apparently never bothered these people. What bothered them was a possible loss of power.


Some people refer to the events of Jan. 6, 2021 as a “coup” or an “insurrection.” In my view, a coup has to have more than a zero percent chance of success to really be a coup. A bunch of angry but unarmed couch warriors has a zero percent chance of overthrowing the most militarized government in the history of the world by rearranging a lectern.

On the other hand, Democratic elites, corporate media and billionaire donors can and did force the sitting president out of office. Yes, he’ll be allowed to serve out his term, but he was chosen by Democratic primary voters as the 2024 nominee and he was very clear about his intention to run for re-election.

To me, that is a coup, an overthrow of democracy. Although really, even though I’ve heard that it’s Donald Trump who will do away with elections, it’s been a little too obvious, at least since 2016, that the Democratic presidential nominee will be whoever party leaders want it to be, and not a person selected by voters.

Democratic party democracy is defined as single-party rule by Democrats, excluding Democratic voters.

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