EppsNet Archive: Alcoholism

The NFL Doesn’t Condone Alcohol Abuse?


Kudos 2 @nflcommish for continiung his firm stance that the NFL does not condone alcohol abuse pic.twitter.com/WEbpJiJ1H3 — PFTCommenter (@PFTCommenter) January 25, 2015 Read more →

EppsNet Book Reviews: Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates


Richard Yates poses the question of how much reality people can stand, and the answer he comes up with is “not very much.” Alternatives to facing reality head-on are explored in Revolutionary Road: avoidance, denial, alcoholism, insanity and death. Some excerpts: “You want to play house you got to have a job. You want to play very nice house, very sweet house, you got to have a job you don’t like. Great. This is the way ninety-eight-point-nine per cent of the people work things out, so believe me buddy you’ve got nothing to apologize for. Anybody comes along and says ‘Whaddya do it for?’ you can be pretty sure he’s on a four-hour pass from the State funny-farm; all agreed.”   And all because, in a sentimentally lonely time long ago, she had found it easy and agreeable to believe whatever this one particular boy felt like saying, and to… Read more →

Do You Drink Too Much?


Alcohol Abuse: Do You Drink Too Much? — AOL Health Warning Sign #1: You avoid reading articles entitled “Do You Drink Too Much?” Read more →

Twitter: 2009-08-05


What's better on a hot summer afternoon — iced tea or lemonade? Thanks to Arnold Palmer, I don't have to choose! # "AA can only help weak people because their ego is strengthened by the group. I was never a joiner." — F. Scott Fitzgerald # Read more →

Microblog: 2009-04-20


Carrie Fisher on her core audience: Alcoholics, addicts, gay (both sexes), mentally ill & people named Erica – http://twurl.nl/hvswww # You know my motto: I never metacognitive I didn’t like. # Temps are soaring in the OC. Treated myself to an ice-cold lemonade at lunch… # @NoReinsGirl That’s why I stockpile rum, coke and ice. Emergency preparedness! in reply to NoReinsGirl # Read more →

Core Audience


Carrie Fisher on her core audience: Alcoholics, addicts, gay (both sexes), mentally ill & people named Erica…… Read more →

My Hair is Too Short


The girl at Fantastic Sam’s cut my hair too short. She was telling me about a car accident she had yesterday and I asked her, “Were you drunk at the time?” “In the morning?!” she yelled. “Hel-lo!? I was drinking coffee!” O-kay, like, overreaction! Probably in major denial mode, and does in fact have a serious drinking problem. And like I said, she took it out on my hair. Read more →