EppsNet Archive: European Union

I’m Actually Old Enough to Remember Freedom of Speech


Poland Proposes $13.5 Million Fines for Tech Giants Engaging in Ideological Censorship — The Epoch Times I’m actually old enough to remember when the USA, not Poland, carried the torch for freedom of speech. We took it for granted I suppose, but Poland has much more recent experience with being told what they are not allowed to think, say or write, and they don’t like it. Na Zdrowie, Polska! Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki wrote the following: I was born and raised among people for whom freedom was the most precious of values. In Poland we are so attached to freedom because we know what it is like when someone tries to limit it. For close to 50 years we lived in a country in which censorship was practiced, in which Big Brother told us how we are meant to live and what we are meant to feel, and what… Read more →

See You in Hell, John Kerry


[See You in Hell is a feature by our guest blogger, Satan — PE] John Kerry: "We only have nine years to avoid a climate catastrophe." Everyone: "Will you start by giving up your private jet and mansion in Martha's Vinyard?" John Kerry: pic.twitter.com/RxnlBvb8a3 — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) February 19, 2021 He also has a dozen cars, a couple of yachts and about 5 other houses as well. He has the carbon footprint of a medium-size town. Maybe some personal restraint would buy the rest of you fools 10 years instead of just 9. No, actually it wouldn’t because the Paris Accords that he’s so anxious to get back into ensure that even if the one country that Kerry may actually have some control over went to zero emissions tomorrow, it doesn’t solve the global problem because the Paris Accords give China the right to keep spewing crap into the… Read more →

The Problem With Debt


These are all from today’s headlines: Ireland told: Take EU bailout or trigger crisis – The Guardian Euro under siege as now Portugal hits panic button – Montreal Gazette Greek deficit much bigger than estimate – The Guardian Thirty years ago, we had the savings and loan crisis. Those were the good old days, when investors were only nervous about small banks. Investors have since become nervous about big banks, then non-bank financial institutions, and now small countries — Greece, Portugal, Ireland . . . That’s the problem with debt — bad things happen when your investors get nervous. What’s next? Medium-sized countries, obviously — Italy, Britain — and eventually the biggest of the big: the United States. Read more →