You Never Have to Apologize For… 1. Removing someone from your life that repeatedly crosses your boundaries. ~Bonnie Romano 2. Being who we are, and feeling our feelings. ~Courtney Redd-Boynton 3. Trusting your instincts, even if you can’t explain it. ~Kate Willette 4. We should never apologize if we’re not truly sorry. I don’t believe in apologizing because someone ‘demands’ an apology. ~Olga Baez Rivera 5. Quality “me” time (taking care of ourselves). ~Nath Ray 6. Your opinion—there is no right or wrong opinion, and there’d be a lot less arguments if more people could just respect and appreciate different insights. ~Jennifer Werner Mader 7. Standing up for what you believe in. ~Michelle Galyon-Stallings 8. Living life the way we choose to, regardless of fitting in with other people’s norms. ~Tanya Johns Emery 9. Making decisions about your own future that don’t do any harm to anyone. No one should… Read more →