EppsNet Archive: Schadenfreude

Schadenfreude Squared


I’m a little late on this but I read not too long ago about a couple of Twitter employees who called out Elon Musk via public tweets. I’m not sure “called out” is the right phrase . . . one employee implied that Musk has no idea what he’s talking about and the second just gratuitously insulted him. Both were fired. Musk actually announced the first guy’s firing on Twitter. The tone of the media coverage surprised me. It sounded like Musk was some kind of monster. But ask yourself this question, and I will do the same: “If I posted something on Twitter to the effect of ‘I work at Company X and our CEO is an idiot,’ what would happen?” My answer is: I don’t think it would go well. I’d probably lose my job. But really the most intoxicating angle on this is Twitter employees losing their… Read more →



Now that a federal appeals court has blocked the Biden student debt relief program, I have to admit that I really like to see people make terrible decisions and have to face the consequences, like taking on a colossal debt load in order to obtain a college degree with no commensurate value. I bet the Germans have a word for that. Germans have a word for everything. Read more →

Who Will Scold the Scolders?


Oh my! Pants! Are around my ankles! Of all the smug moralizers in the world, I can’t think of one offhand who can out-smug George Takei. He’s gay, you know, which gives him an elevated moral perch from which to sermonize and pontificate. You don’t like it? Are you a homophobe? The recent surge in sexual harassment accusations among celebrities and media members, who are themselves usually the ones most likely to be dealing out the admonishments to our nation’s deplorables, is a schadenfreude booster, but it does raise the question of who will be left to scold the scolders? Read more →