There’s no one behind the customer service counter at Barnes and Noble but there is a woman doing something with the books in front of the counter . . .
“Do you work here?” I ask.
“Yes,” she says, but not in a friendly way . . . more like yes, I work here but I regret it.
‘I’m looking for The Book of Holiday Awesome,” I say.
“I’ve never heard of that,” she says.
I don’t care if she’s heard of it. I just want to know if they have a copy of it on hand.
“Do you know the author?” she asks.
She types a couple of things into the computer. “Nothing is coming up,” she says.
It’s a popular book so something should be coming up, even if it’s just to say they don’t have it in stock.
I lean over the counter to see what she’s typed in the search box. Here it is: the book of holiday awsum.