I’m seeing a lot of headlines today on Henry Paulson’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton, in all of which Paulson is identified as “President George W. Bush’s treasury chief Henry Paulson,” or “ex-GOP Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson,” or something to that effect.
There are certainly other ways of identifying Henry Paulson, e.g.,
- Former Goldman Sachs chief executive Henry Paulson
- Architect of TARP and “Too Big to Fail” Henry Paulson
- Wealthy Wall Street goon Henry Paulson
- Henry Paulson, who used his position as Treasury Secretary to bail out his Wall Street friends with taxpayer money
It’s hard to see how an endorsement from Henry Paulson is anything but a nail in the coffin of the Clinton campaign . . . I took millions of dollars for speeches to Wall Street banks and investment firms, including $675,000 from Goldman Sachs (see New York Times), and now they’re all endorsing me! (Shocking.) Also: I am the candidate best positioned to hold the financial industry accountable for its practices.
Clinton -— as the Times piece linked above helpfully notes —- has run through a series of bad answers about why she gave the speeches and why she is now unwilling to authorize the release of the transcripts of them.
While at Treasury, Paulson also let Goldman Sachs’ arch rival Lehman Brothers go belly up.