EppsNet Archive: Breakfast

Sometimes I Get My Product Names Mixed Up


Driving through McDonald’s this morning . . . “Hi, I’d like a Big Mac and an iced coffee please.” “We don’t have Big Macs right now.” “You don’t have Big Macs?!“ “Not till 10:30.” “You won’t have Big Macs till 10:30?!“ “It’s breakfast right now.” “Wait . . . did I say Big Mac? I meant Egg McMuffin. Do you have those?” “Yes.” “Excellent!” Read more →

See You in Hell, Breakfast Lovers


[See You in Hell is a feature by our guest blogger, Satan — PE] Breakfast in Hell: GAZE UPON MY CROISSAN’WICH AND TREMBLE! See you in Hell . . . Read more →

A Good Breakfast


Every morning when my owner lets me out of my enclosure, I run down the hall and make a sharp left into the family room because that’s where my food bowl lives. And every morning, because the family room has a hardwood floor, my legs slide out from underneath me like a cartoon character. Maybe I should just walk down the hall instead of running but I can’t help it! I’m always just so excited to start the day with a good breakfast! — Lightning Read more →

Donettes for Breakfast


My son bites into one of his donettes . . . “Do you ever eat the whole donette in one bite?” I ask him, popping an entire donette into my mouth. “No,” he says. “You’re missing out.” Read more →

Breakfast at EppsNet


“The breakfast was overheated,” my son says to his mom. The boy is 14 years old. I say, “Thanks, Mr. Old-Enough-To-Fix-His-Own-Breakfast-But-Still-Lets-Others-Do-It-Then-Criticizes-Them.” “It was constructive criticism,” he says. Read more →