His mom took the boy’s laptop computer away because she didn’t like his attitude about something or other, and now he’s trying to involve me in a secret plan to get it back.

I ask him, “Why don’t you forget about the computer and do something else tonight? Read a book or something?”
He says, “I need the computer so my friends and I can talk to each other.”
“Use text messages. Or a phone. There’s an idea.”
“We need video.”
“Video? What do you need video for?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Exactly. So you don’t really need the computer.”
“‘Don’t worry about it’ doesn’t mean I don’t need it. It means don’t worry about it.”
“What are you going to do? Have a biggest dick contest?”
“Is that what you used to do?”
“We didn’t have webcams when I was your age. We had to take ’em out and do a side-by-side comparison. Everything’s easier nowadays thanks to computers.”
Wow,haha! I laughed out loud at that one.