EppsNet Archive: Vaccines

33 Ways to Leave Your Party


This document should be in the Smithsonian. It should be preserved as part of the written history of American democracy. I can hear the spirit of Thomas Paine saying, "Well done." https://t.co/vSs4BpfBU4 — Paul Epps (@paulepps) October 13, 2024 Read more →

Pfizer Employee Flips Out on Video


As I write this, YouTube has taken down the video, I assume because it shows a Pfizer employee acting like an out-of-control cartoon character and damages the vaccine narrative. The video is still up on Twitter. WATCH: Pfizer Official ‘Physically Assaults’ James O’Keefe, ‘Destroys iPad Showing Undercover Recordings’ https://t.co/OviQpYh2Ol — Paul Epps (@paulepps) January 28, 2023 Read more →

COVID Vaccine Side Effects


Every drug commercial you see on TV, half the commercial is a voice-over listing all the side effects, many of which are worse than the disease that the drug is intended to treat. May reduce your body’s ability to fight infection, which could lead to serious illness or death . . . “Death” is almost always in there somewhere. And these are drugs that have been through years of trials, full FDA approval, not just emergency approval or experimental approval or whatever it’s called for the COVID vaccines. What are the side effects of COVID vaccines? Who knows? There wasn’t time to test for them, except very short-term stuff like you might feel tired or you might have a sore arm. In the software business, we call this “testing in production,” meaning we don’t have time to fully test the product in a non-destructive way, so we slam it into… Read more →

Governor Newsom on Bodily Autonomy


It's nice of our governor to take a short break from forcing people to wear masks, stay inside, and get vaccinated in order to lecture us about bodily autonomy. https://t.co/j3VDr7aacf — Paul Epps (@paulepps) May 15, 2022 Read more →

See You in Hell, Convoy Haters


[See You in Hell is a feature by our guest blogger, Satan — PE] Greetings mortals — You may remember back in 2020, pre-vaccine, when you were all in your comfy lockdowns, that everyone was fine with truckers being designated as “essential workers,” so they could risk their lives and health to deliver your stupid Amazon purchases, bring food to the supermarket, deliver medicine, make sure that presents arrived by Christmas morning, but as soon as they opposed government-mandated injections, the same truckers became racists, Nazis, etc. The people you’re screaming at in Ottawa are the people who kept the world turning. You were fine letting them risk their lives before there was a vaccine. Now you want to shut down their lives because they fail to show the proper obedience or they ask too many questions. See you in Hell . . . Read more →

COVID Vaccines


At the start of 2020, when COVID first came to our shores, we didn’t know anything about it, we didn’t have a vaccine, and by the end of the year 400,000 Americans had died from the virus. By the start of 2021, we had a year of research and a vaccine. We’ve been vaccinating people for a year, and yet we have more COVID deaths under the Biden administration than under Trump, every day more vaccinated people are getting sick, so while the vaccine may keep you out of the hospital or the graveyard, it doesn’t provide immunity, it doesn’t stop the spread, I’m not sure it even slows the spread, given that we have more cases and deaths than ever. For a long time now, anyone saying “I don’t think vaccines are stopping the spread of COVID” or something similar have been persona non grata in public discourse. Is… Read more →

Djokovic is Not Your Big Problem, Mate


Thirty days ago, Australia had reported a total of 247,000 COVID cases. As of today, the case count has risen to 1.8 million. And they think their biggest problem is Novak Djokovic?! Note that Djokovic was not even deported for public health reasons. He’s had a positive COVID test, followed by a negative COVID test, and everyone agreed he was safe via natural immunity. He was deported because as some point in the past, he expressed skepticism about vaccines and to have him in Australia, well, he might influence others in the country to become skeptical about vaccines. I’d say what’s more likely to cause Australians to become skeptical about vaccines is the fact that COVID is spiraling out of control while 80 percent of their population is fully vaccinated. Read more →

Garcetti and the Mandate Date


At the LA Fitness I go to in Santa Monica, there’s a big sign standing next to the front desk announcing that Mayor Garcetti has commanded that as of tomorrow, Nov. 4, you’re going to have to show proof of vaccination to enter indoor facilities like gyms, restaurants, etc. (Eric Garcetti is the mayor of Los Angeles.) I ask the girl at the desk, “Can the mayor of Los Angeles tell people what to do in Santa Monica?” “I guess he can.” Ironically, Garcetti just tested positive for COVID-19 himself, which makes me think that he shouldn’t be serving up mandates and telling people what to do like he knows how to avoid COVID because obviously he doesn’t. Read more →

How to Get Permanently Banned From Twitter


Alex Berenson, conservative commentator, one-time New York Times reporter, and vaccine dissenter has been permanently banned from Twitter for, according to a Twitter spokesperson, “repeated violations of our COVID-19 misinformation rules.” According to Berenson, the tweet that got him banned was this: It doesn’t stop infection. Or transmission. Don’t think of it as a vaccine. Think of it — at best — as a therapeutic with a limited window of efficacy and terrible side effect profile that must be dosed IN ADVANCE OF ILLNESS. And we want to mandate it? Insanity. It is hard to sift information from misinformation on COVID and any number of other topics but I do NOT trust the meatheads at Twitter to take on that role in my life. Looking at the above tweet, what is the misinformation? My understanding is that the vaccine is intended to be effective against hospitalization and death, but not… Read more →

Woke White Boy: Antifa vs. Anti-Vaxxers


You can have any kind of left-wing demonstration — women’s marches, Gay Pride parades, Black Lives Matter, pro-choice, political rallies — and you never have violent right-wing nutjobs turn up to disrupt them. I don’t know why. But when we hear about right-wing demonstrations like the anti-vaccine Freedom Rally in Santa Monica this weekend, that means it’s time to break out the black togs, bats and bike locks to give those fuckers a nice warm Antifa welcome. [Editor’s note: Isn’t violent suppression of opposing views the actual definition of fascism?] I don’t fucking know. I just know these fuckers better get vaccinated and maybe a good beating is just the incentive they need. [Editor’s note: Shouldn’t there be more fellow feeling for a group that doesn’t want the government to tell them what to do?] No! It’s not the government telling them what to do, it’s Antifa telling them what… Read more →

Nobody Believes in Anything. Problem?


I get a daily email newsletter from the New York Times, in which one of this week’s entries was a conversation with John Schwartz, a Times reporter who focuses on the climate. If Schwartz has any qualifications on the subject of climate science like, say, a relevant degree or something, he modestly omits it from his Times bio. Much of the Pacific Northwest is blanketed in snow. Texas continues to endure frigid weather and electricity outages. Another winter storm is spreading across much of the country. How is this consistent with global warming? Well, as Schwartz “explains” it, when temperatures go up, that’s a sign of global warming, and when temperatures go down, that’s also a sign of global warming. He adds, “We’ve always had floods, fires and storms, but climate change adds oomph to many weather events.” “Oomph”!? Follow the science!   Nobody believes anything from the media anymore,… Read more →

I Scratch Your Back, You Scratch Mine 800,000 Times


Amazon offered to help the Biden administration on Wednesday, shortly after President Joe Biden was sworn into office, with efforts to distribute the coronavirus vaccine, a proposal that the tech giant had not submitted to the Trump administration in the month since the vaccine was approved for public use. — dailycaller.com Amazon also requested that its 800,000 employees be prioritized for vaccination. Read more →

What’s on Your Nightstand?


Lamp Clock radio Extra pair of reading glasses Business cards, mostly my own 1 pen, 2 pencils Post-Its Vaccination record Schedule of classes for LA Fitness Two or three dollars in change Nine dollars in Candian coins 440 Indian rupees Read more →

Look Out, You Rock ‘n’ Rollers!


My bizness is taking me to Bangalore, India, at the end of the month. I got vaccinated for hepatitis A, hepatitis B, polio, typhoid, tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis. I’m now immune to everything, including your consultations. Read more →

Twitter: 2009-09-17


Best practices premised on good results in the long-term but ppl R rewarded based on the results they got last quarter. http://bit.ly/aH7Vt # RT @OCWeekly: Halloween plans for Disneyland: New fireworks show, SPACE MOUNTAIN GHOST GALAXY + more – http://bit.ly/26pBZ1 # RT @GettyMuseum: Monkeys wearing hats? Green strawberries? Explore imaginative world of marginalia http://bit.ly/pHFh9 Check out interactive # Signed up for a free shot at work. They tried to stick a *needle* in me. # Jimmy Carter says criticism of Kanye is racially motivated… # Read more →