As in the previous example, these photos are from the same photoset on Flickr:
What could be worse than being an Asian woman in Asia and having to surrender your mystical Oriental hotness to Asian men? In no other race — white, black, Hispanic — are the women so much better-looking than the men.
Now you might say: What about Indian or Middle Eastern men? Aren’t they uglier than Asian men?
Possibly — but my point is that their women are incredibly ugly as well, so it’s a good match.
My wife’s cousin, also an Asian girl, agrees with my theory, but adds something I hadn’t thought of: Asian guys are also boring, she says, because they’re all the same. They all have the same story, same parents, same college major (engineering or business), same, same, same . . .
o_____o WWwwow.
Um…ok. Well, I’ll first establish that I am chinese.
Then I’m going to say that in general I think Asian men are more handsome on average than White or Black men, so based purely on looks standpoint, I like Asian men better (especially chinese or korean guys). But that is just looks preference (I’d sooner go out with a good kind smart white guy than an lazy dumpy asian guy).
But I don’t know where this idea that Asian girls like white guys, what the heck? I have pretty much never had sexual attraction to American white guys whatsoever. Nothing personal, I just find that I don’t (and being in America where there are lot of white guys at first I thought this was because I was lesbian…actually I just don’t like American guys very much).
But I like Asian guys much more. I dunno, when I’m with them I just feel like I sit next to them and trust them not to grope me or make sexual jokes about me. Asian guys are much harder workers, understand the importants of going to college, saving money, and being responsible and polite (Not that there aren’t any white American guys who aren’t this way, just on average.). I usually walk behind a guy because I don’t trust the guy to walk behind me (haha, I don’t care if it makes me look subserviant). But for an asian guy I know well, I might even trust him enough to walk beside him (something I would usually only do with another girl).
Also, I must stress. I HATE HATE it when some guy is like “Ohmigosh Asian girls are sooo hot!!” It makes me feel really embarrassed and humiliated, like they just want me to fufil some fetish fantasy of theirs. It’s gross and it makes me scared like they’re gonna pounce me because I look like some fantasy they have. Yes, people have their physical preference and as I said earlier, so do I, but I generally don’t go around declaring it, and especially not to people I am trying to flirt with. It’s so creepy when they do that!!! *shudders*
don`t discuss taste, write an essey or keep it in your head, don`t start a forum.
On a deviation of the topic.Im speaking from a asian guy who dates white guys point of view.
I am 6 foot chinese/viet whom was born into the causcasion way of growing up even though my parents were old fashioned. Only dif being im a amatuer bodybuilder and not skinny/fat..
1. Why do some white guys have to get all busy with me when im out with my brunnete/blonde GF at parties/clubs etc etc.. Ive nevr had issues with getting white women. heck they were more assertive than me. and would go up to grope my a$$ at parties/clubs etc.. Most of these white guys are overweight and yet wouldnt know how to handle a glamour if they wanted to yet get all fussed when they see this.
2. Why do some asian girls start hating when they see us around and speak to me in the own language cussing behind my womans back or do that stare?.. hahahahaha..
Hi there
i’m a hot blonde girl and my ex bf was obsessed with assians women, he left me and after three month he was with a tiny, ugly chinese girl! is this an illness?!
…nope just jealousy (and never say hot blonde… it sounds retarded)
how would i get jealous of an uglier person who has her teeth 2 meters out of her mouth and with those typical small eyes and flat body? my ex bf was cheating me with chinese girls and left me to have a relationship with that ugly creature. you can not get jealous of someone who is beneath you in all!
Dear my Asian / Chinese brothers,
There is no need to be jealous or upset about this. I have carried out some logical analyses, which will be published below:
1) Some asian girls are only into white males
2) The majority of these are like this is because they are mostly: a)short, b) fat, and c) ugly . So they are unable to find Asian men who are willing to date them.
3) By similar extrapolations, some white guys have the inevitable ‘Asian fetish’.
4) This phenomenon need not to upset us, because these white guys are usually the ones who are also fat, ugly, smelly, intellectually inferior, so the local white girls don’t even consider them
5) this is why white guys have to go to Thailand to look for wives there, because they are only into their American money and passport.
6) On the premise that 3) is correct, I hereby conclude that there will be less competition for Asian guys when it comes dating white girls 😀 this means our success rates would be higher – we get ‘their’ (irony, since white guys are not getting them any more haha)- for dating white girls.
Asian guys are stealing all the white girls! EVERY-
7) On the assumption that 2) is correct, those Asian girls who have not got a ‘white fetish’ are thus attractive and thereby available to Asian guys.
8) From 2) and 4), there will be a paradigm shift when it comes to attractiveness: a subset of the entire population will consist of beautiful couples and their offspring (AM/WF or AM/AF), whereas the other unfortunate subset will have ugly White guy / fat Asian girls. This is evolution at its best, where these couples and offspring will eventually be eliminated from the gene pool.
9) If we (asian males) are all look the same and have the same jobs (you know chinky physical characteristics and doctors / investment bankers / engineers), surely white guys would all be selling burgers, cleaning toilets, clearing my trash cans. The former situation is evidently more attractive for white females – the offspring will all be clever :D, whereas in the latter, the offspring will inevitably be ugly, and a viscious cycle occurs, whereby the kids will not only be selling burgers, but because of inflation and decline in the quality of the education system, go out and steal like 20 bucks.
10) Finally, China is the superpower of the 21st century. We are getting all the fit girls, including White girls, who will inevitably find us most attractive because
a) we are cleverer
b) we can kung fu your asses
c) we all look the same (we’re all attractive)
d) we are rich
e) we are actually caring
f) we actually have ambitions in life (no, not talking about how many songs you have on your ipod.
g) we are not smelly :p
h) weactually have proper jobs
i) we have more degrees than you have primary school certificates
Yours sincerely
Asian Genius.
Hi Pinay –
Your thoughtful post raises an important issue: Why the heck is “Filipino” spelled with an F?
Hostile Witness
Argumentum ad hominem.
Look it up. I know speaking your own language might be difficult for you, let alone Latin.
Hi Genius –
I was speaking Latin when you were still in reform school, and it is you who will be wanting to look the phrase up because the way you used it doesn’t make sense.
BTW, because you posted the same comment four times and I had to delete three of them, I’m changing your name from Asian Genius to Asian Tool.
1) Really? I speak six languages fluently, one of which is Latin.
I know very well what it means. Instead of arguing logically, you chose to pick on the minor detail of spelling, which was irrelevant to the argument / discussion.
2) Because your board does not allow editing.
Well, Genius, maybe you meant to say it was a “non sequitur.” An “ad hominem” argument is an argument “to the person,” i.e., instead of responding to the argument, you attack the person making the argument.
You can probably find several good books on logical fallacies at your local library…
Pinay made an argument. Instead of replying to it, you attacked him by attacking the mistake he made (which turned out not to be a mistake at all…)
Genius — or should I say “Genius” — first of all, Pinay identified herself as a *woman*. Second, I didn’t attack her spelling, I asked why “Filipino” starts with an F when “Phillipines” starts with “Ph.”
Maybe we should converse in one of the languages you’re fluent in, since English obviously isn’t one of them.
Hostile Witness was just making a point, asian men do look all the same and you can describe all of them with a few descriptions: slanty eyed, black haired, and short. That covers all asian men in general, they fit all 3 descriptions. You really can’t tell them apart until you ask them their names which are like 2 pages long and who really cares anyway? Just cook and deliver my chinese food, I could care less who you are.
As far as personality, they fit into two groups they are either nerdy losers that get picked on at school or the group that desperately tries to be “different” by acting “gangsta” or dying their hair crazy colors and such. And they do all this because they KNOW they all look the same so they try to stand out somehow. So really it all goes back to Hostile’s point ASIAN MEN ARE ALL THE SAME.
At my school you always see asian girls dating white guys, but never asian males with white girls. And why do you think this is? It’s cause asian men are just boring looking and boring to even interact with, they hardly even speak english sometimes! How sexy is it when some asian guy comes up to a girl and says “Hi, I like you, dating me yes?” With that heavy asian accent? Just imagine that, what a turn off! It makes me laugh whenever they try to speak english! But yet a French, Italian, Irish or any european heavy accent is SUPER sexy, and girls of ALL races (even that of asian) just melt at the sound of it. I’ve dated so many gorgeous asian girls and they all say the same thing, asian men are pretty much the same and they’re tired of it.
Can you really deny anything that I had said, I didn’t just MAKE this up, this is society as it exsists. Some of you act as if Hostile is being racist and he’s not, he’s stating a FACT. Just go out to society and see it for yourself, everything I’ve written comes from what I see and experience in life. Now I’ll admit there are some weird girls out there that dig asian guys but maybe it’s because they weren’t raised properly, are fat/ugly and don’t have a choice, or have a low self esteem. But then again we should be glad that those types of girls go to asian men so we don’t have to deal with them! I know there are a lot of asian guys out there reading this and getting pissed off but hey, don’t blame me, blame your god for making you all the same. Sorry but better luck next time!
1) I haven’t got slanty eyes, though I do have black hair, I am actually tall. You do realise how ignorant you actually are? Asian names are shorter (if you’re talking about Chinese)…
What about – you cook my burgers, fry my chips and clean my toilet? I don’t care who you are either…
2)if nerdy and getting picked on you mean because most Asians (no, some whites are clever too. But you’re obviously not one of them) are clever and you cannot compete with them on an intellectual basis, so you resort to physical intimidation and feel the need for such lower, animalistic behaviour. Homo habilis discovering his opposable thumb says what?
3) Hardly speak English? I hardly think so. I’ve only spoken English for seven years, and I do not have an Asian accent at all. Ironically I came top of my English Literature class…. haha – you can’t even speak your own language. Speak something simplier… emm… Mandarin may be?
4) Please… I have more degrees than you had diapers… do not even attempt to try to patronise me.
Maybe we should converse in one of the languages you’re fluent in, since English obviously isn’t one of them.
Quite difficult for me really, because I don’t know what other people speak.
I speak:
but still learning beginners Spanish :p
Pick one and we shall progress from there.
You should be ashamed of yourselves boasting and arguing like little children! Why can’t you all agree that everyone is equal?! (i would like to hear an answer)
To hot girl… you are a yankee aren’t you
I guess i had enough of asian female stepping on asian guys like dirt and dissing them
infront of a western guy just for the sole sake of impressing him.
I’ve read tons of article on how asian females are insulting and degrading their guys of their race just to fit in the white community,something typical i expect
from those living in america.
Seems to me that americans are hard up and desperate to fit in the social circle everywhere…
Foolish human beings..
Now please,don’t assume nor pass your final judgement to conclude i’m your typical whinny asian male.
Because i’m not here to plead on behalf of all asian male for a chance that u girls will accept a date with me…or those asian guys.
Perhaps to convince u,i’m not even your typical human being for i have no intrest in dating,sex,relationship or fitting in social circle.
I don’t need any effort to fit in nor do i bother because ppl are attracted to me somehow even though i have a cold personality.
Let’s admit,human relationship has no value in the eyes of satan agree?
It’s fallible.
I’m here not because i want some asian women to give my asian male counterpart a chance to date u but rather,i’m pissed with insults on asian male from u asian ladies.
By insulting the american born asian male in american using “using asian male”,it is an insensitive and indirect insult to a asian guy in singapore and anywhere.
Perhaps what i want to acheive here is to whip up the anger and hatred among the asian males reading this message.
I do envision a day whereby dawn rise an asian politcian who will bring about new reforms to the law.
A law that will forbid and dictate the dating/marriage and interaction between asian male and asian female.
Perhaps such law will be hard to accept but with intense hatred residing within the majority of the asian male who have been unfairly judge and put down by their own asian female
whom the love,i’m sure it will be alot easier.
And on,they will pass this hatred down to their decents,reminding them of how asian females segregate themselve from their fellow race to fit the media sterotype.
why,that’s not all.
When such laws are pass,there will be the minority of asian females who wants to date asian guys but cannot when this laws are being put in place.
This in turn generate hatred towards the majority of the asian female sellout.
Such pleasure to witness fighting everywhere.
I’m sure that’s it’s really sickening to hear asian female dissing asian man and it’s embrassing to see asian man behaving like whinny kids instead of doing something.
So if u wanna do something,spread this message and hopefully,there will be one asian who’s willing to put this law in place.
Since asian ladies love the segregation,then i might as well help em segregate to the very end.
Discrimination…the best punishment would be a mirror effect of one’s action.
That is my defination of justice and it will not change even after majoring in criminal justice.
Pleasure comes when i use ppl as my tools to materialise my idealistic agenda taking place.
U guys must realise that there is nothing special in asian female.
In my school,i happily reject those asian girls who ask me out and i take pleasure in doing so.
I believe lovey dovey is sweet but having the strong intent of revenge pulsing through is heavenly.
Whinny about why the asian ladies are not dating u is pointless for they no longer see them as part of your race.
Hatred is essential to motivate.
I am a black man and I don’t know what all the commotion about beautiful women. No women are beautiful! I luv oriental men, they are beautiful! I luv their tight little asses. Chinese men make the best lovers.