Why Asian Girls Like White Guys II


As in the previous example, these photos are from the same photoset on Flickr:

IMG_2374.JPG IMG_2354.JPG

What could be worse than being an Asian woman in Asia and having to surrender your mystical Oriental hotness to Asian men? In no other race — white, black, Hispanic — are the women so much better-looking than the men.

Now you might say: What about Indian or Middle Eastern men? Aren’t they uglier than Asian men?

Possibly — but my point is that their women are incredibly ugly as well, so it’s a good match.

My wife’s cousin, also an Asian girl, agrees with my theory, but adds something I hadn’t thought of: Asian guys are also boring, she says, because they’re all the same. They all have the same story, same parents, same college major (engineering or business), same, same, same . . .

  506 comments for “Why Asian Girls Like White Guys II

  1. mick
    21 Dec 2007 at 6:49 pm

    janet is either a white chick or an asian guy! i can see right through the jealousy!!!!!

  2. *sigh*
    23 Dec 2007 at 4:16 am

    ha, stumbled across this website again…

    firstly, i should point out that not ALL asian girls are ‘… tiny and ugly with flat chests and faces…’! who the HELL came up with that! it is the most weakest put down ever. people see asians the way they want to. (im chinese by the way). it’s like anorexia. you see urself fat so you keep on dieting till ur merely skin and bone. u think asians are ugly so u find urself on this website posting stupid put downs about them. ha.
    oh yes, i should also point out that westernisation has increased the vulnerability and sensitivity of many asians (if that makes sense). And as you can already tell, i dont giv a shit if you dont like asians. its ur opinion and im not going to hang myself for thinking that some stranger thinks im ugly. *smirk*

    oh and by the way ‘hotgirl’, no wonder ur ex-bf left u for an ‘unsuperior’ race. ur ‘hotness’ must of been ‘too’ much for him. *smirks again*

  3. dev
    24 Dec 2007 at 11:05 am

    all the white guys here trying to show off are those same white guys who need go to asia to find asian girls or they date asian girls who are ugly to the asian standards so they prefer to go with white guys? and posting not good looking asian guys photos here doesn’t really prove much but shows your stupidity and guess what i am white? so are you gonna call me jealous? lol

  4. Chico
    26 Dec 2007 at 10:01 am

    Hi all,

    First of all, a merry christmas to everyone!

    Im a black guy from Holland and i see more and more asian chicks dating white guys.

    This is how it is:

    Black guys white chicks.
    White guys asian chicks.


  5. johnny
    29 Dec 2007 at 10:26 pm

    lotta jealous white chicks up in this peice……..

  6. Matt
    3 Jan 2008 at 1:38 pm

    It’s really like this. The asian girls who like white guys are either 1)really prepped out and have too many white girlfriends 2) Perhaps had a really good experience (probably sexually) with a white man or had a really bad one with an asian man 3) Some white guys (just as any other ethnicities) are just plain good looking so all you nerdy asian guys who are UGLY to all standards get mad at that one asian girl who’s your fantasy going out with a GOOD looking white guy need to stop tripping. Just because she goes out with a white guy who’s probably good looking to all standards doesnt mean she only likes white guys. I’m sure if a good looking asian guy came around she would go for him. This really is just a case of those asian guys seeing his crush go out with a white guy. Despite the fact perhaps she is out of his league and the white guy is in her league. I know plenty of gorgeous asian girls who stick to asian men. But the difference between those asian men and the whining ones is that well, they’re simply got more game and/or are alot better looking.

    Than of course there is the sex factor and the stereotypes of asian and white men. I’ll admit the fact that MOST asian men are smaller than whites. However there are plenty of FULL blooded asians that are up there with whites. Just as there are plenty of FULL blooded caucasians who are cursed with a smaller package. I myself am full asian but I don’t care if that hot asian girl is going out with a black or white. You know why? Because I know there are plenty of gorgeous asian girls I can get with. All these complaining asian guys are those skinny shy ugly nerds who have no game. Face it, even IF there was no way an asian girl can be with someone outside her ethnicity, SHE STILL would not be with you. She’d be with that great looking asian guy.

  7. liz
    13 Jan 2008 at 11:47 pm

    It’s a shame that you’re too scared to post this under your real name, Paul, and instead use the pseudonym “Hostile Witness.” I almost had a sliver of respect for you, but it turns out you’re just another whiny wimp. Next time try putting up some of those handsome photos of yourself, instead of pulling random candid photos of others from the Internet. I must say, I think you look particularly sexy in this one: http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulepps/192361082/.



  8. HW
    14 Jan 2008 at 9:31 am

    Hi Lizzy –

    Paul is not what you’d call “handsome” in a classical sense, but he looks pretty good for his age.

    As for me, people say I look like a rodeo rider.


  9. New Yorker
    14 Jan 2008 at 1:51 pm

    Oh yes, according to the author of this blog ALL Asian women cannot help but lust after the super masculine–ultra beautiful white man–so much that they would rather be with him than other Asian men. What a bunch of horse shit. Spare us with your 19th century colonist/slave master self aggrandizement. Stop blowing your own horn by thinking your such hot shit. I’m a white dude and I’ve dated Asian women before and I’ll tell you this…most of the Asian women dating white guys in the major cities are NOT that attractive! There average, to below average looking. The Hottest, most drop dead gorgeous Asian women always, about 99% of the time date other Asian men! It’s a fact. Open your eyes and you’ll see. Quantity doesn’t equal quality. Now, put that in your pipe and smoke it.

  10. ViolentAJ
    16 Jan 2008 at 3:16 pm

    Asian girls like every race except for Blacks. I have been to Japan, and j-girls are an easy lay for foreigners, unless you are Black.

  11. Jennifer
    16 Jan 2008 at 8:06 pm

    im a chinese girl from HK raised in Australia and i would like to say what a load of BS!
    First of all Asian, Indian and middle eastern men are not ugly – just like any race they have a mix of the good the bad and the ugly, and many are more attractive than the so called white guy.
    Secondly like janet said most asian girls that date white guys are bottomdwellers cos they can’t score the fine asian boys!
    Most white guys that date Asian girls are ugly and can’t score – and many of those Asian girls just date them for a free ride – money visa whatever and this is true! Asian girls are awesome and smart many just screw over white guys and get what they want – give them what they need and get what they want in return – but thet are too stupid to see that they are getting soooo screwed over…As i notice around me half the Asian girls can’t even speak english so you know they didnt form a relationship based on verbal communication so clearly it based on services from both parties> White men – who date only asians have a sick fetish and cant score any other race so they think they are so clever – going and getting these exotic women who are just using them for a ticket, i have no problem with my Asian sistas cos at the end of the day they are both just exploiting and using each other:
    Please note when you look around its always the repulsive white guys they go for – physically and here the hot Asian girls always date other Asians, indians or middle easterns.

    So let people do what they want its all good at the end of the day if it works for them, no need to hate on it its just funny

  12. Thedrip
    21 Jan 2008 at 12:45 am

    Asian + German = hottest. My girlfriend is Asian and European, she is the most beautiful creature to ever walk the Earth, inside and out.

  13. OneRace
    21 Jan 2008 at 6:33 am

    Hi, I hit upon this site just today and am amazed at the bile and bitterness of the races on this site. I have had my issues with other races being a black guy in the UK. I am however of the opinion that black white brown and “yellow” if I can say that without insulting anyone is ok. My point being that those green people get on my nerves. They steal our jobs and our women and cause all sorts of trouble. sounds idiotic. It is, but that is how you lot sound about the races.
    In that I believe that Genius is correct to a point. China IS going to be the super power of the 21st century, however what he failed to tell you that this is achieved because China is making friends with the only continent with the most natural resources and most put upon people, the Africans. They are both at fault. African nations are falling over their greedy selves grabbing very fat money contracts so that the Chinese can sucker them with suspect deals that the corrupt African leaders turn a blind eye too, over diamonds, coal, silver, gold, oil. The only difference is the Chinese don’t set any conditions like the west and quite frankly don’t sell the Africans down the river by blatantly charging in and taking over every oil field and gold and diamond mine they can get their greedy sneaky hands on. At the least they are both as bad, at the most the Chinese are more desperate and willing to pay top dollar.
    Another thing is I don’t really care if Japanese girls dont like black guys, judging by films like “Audition” and “Itchy the Killer”, I don’t want any part of them!I don’t want to be stuck in a sack eating some one elses sick, yuck.

  14. Random Dude
    21 Jan 2008 at 5:30 pm

    What the hell is this drivel? You need to get with the times and stop living in your hot little bubble of antiquated Oriental fantasies.

    People like you are sad. Seriously. When you actually get a life, you will see Asian guys with girls of all backgrounds and nationalities. And believe me, Asian guys are the most diversified group of people I’ve met. Hell, I’ve seen them rap, skateboard, game, dance, … But listing more hobbies is irrelevant, because after all, apparently any Asian that doesn’t study 24/7 is not an Asian.

  15. TheVoiceOfReason
    24 Jan 2008 at 7:19 pm

    Race is irrelevant. Only stupid people let their race/nationality define what kind of person they are or their actions. People who engage in interracial relationships but have problems with other races doing the same thing are hypocrites.

  16. Kane
    26 Jan 2008 at 7:12 am

    I got this theory. I’m gonna go by colour here just for ease, I’m not a racist (least I don’t think I am)….
    Black people have superior physical attributes, Yellow people, superior intellect and white people got a mix of both. I think that nature wants us all to mix up and become hybrids with the best of all the races built into one “super race”!

    In the future, Alienz gonna invade this planet to mine the Tiberium here (AKA Tiberium Wars) but because we’ll all be a mixed up by then, we will be better prepared to survive!

    Remember it’s always survival of the entire human species that counts! Nature finds a way!

  17. ashley
    27 Jan 2008 at 12:03 am

    i think middle eastern man are super hot, but there is no way in hell i will date an asian guy.

  18. ashley
    27 Jan 2008 at 12:04 am

    i think middle eastern men are super hot, but there is no way in hell i will date an asian guy.

  19. ashley
    27 Jan 2008 at 12:09 am

    ok i take it back i am sorry, after reading this page you might be right, we are all equal and we must respect others..but i still want to date a middle eastern guy i think they are hot.

  20. Rikus
    27 Jan 2008 at 2:03 pm

    Following the rules of attraction your own race in most cases will seem more attractive. I mean that in this case no one can say that a specific race is ugly. You simply aren’t attracted to them just like dogs aren’t attracted to wolfs… in most cases….

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