Why Asian Girls Like White Guys II


As in the previous example, these photos are from the same photoset on Flickr:

IMG_2374.JPG IMG_2354.JPG

What could be worse than being an Asian woman in Asia and having to surrender your mystical Oriental hotness to Asian men? In no other race — white, black, Hispanic — are the women so much better-looking than the men.

Now you might say: What about Indian or Middle Eastern men? Aren’t they uglier than Asian men?

Possibly — but my point is that their women are incredibly ugly as well, so it’s a good match.

My wife’s cousin, also an Asian girl, agrees with my theory, but adds something I hadn’t thought of: Asian guys are also boring, she says, because they’re all the same. They all have the same story, same parents, same college major (engineering or business), same, same, same . . .

  506 comments for “Why Asian Girls Like White Guys II

  1. kansai
    28 Jan 2008 at 12:43 am

    to: ViolentAJ who said that, he has been to Japan and that J-girls are easy for foreign guys.

    well, i live in Japan and i can tell you from personal experiences and many observations that western girls are easy lays for Japanese guys, here in Japan.

  2. art
    28 Jan 2008 at 10:01 pm

    gandhi is not asian uhhh the last time i checked India is in Asia but nice try ‘hosile witness’ and how does a rodeo rider look like? Lol people who claim they are hot or good looking on the web are just to pathetic.

  3. ryan
    28 Jan 2008 at 10:20 pm

    I’m a white guy who has dated most US born backgrounds (white, black, Latina, Native American, Southeast Asian, East Asian, Indian ,Jewish, Middle Eastern, hapa) as well as a decent amount of foreign born backgrounds (Europe; German, English, Italian, French – South America; Peru, Mexico, Brazilian, Chilean – Asia; Japanese, Chinese, Indian – Africa; Moroccan) and in all honestly Asian American (US raised) girls are the best I’ve ever come across. I know that generalizing is not good but most Asian American women are very sexual and at the same time can have an interesting, in depth conversation. They are caring and supportive but also kick ass in their own right and usually do very well on their own in regards to their career. I thank Asian parents for being such a stickler in education…”you got an A-, why not an A? You got into UCLA, what about Berkeley?” The result of this is two fold; 1. A girl who is ready to explode behind closed doors with someone she likes (similar to a catholic school girl raised in a strict environment) and 2. A girl that even if she is gorgeous still has a brain and her own opinions (contrast this to a blonde girl I dated that asked me if dragons really breathed fire and what kind of dinosaurs humans used to eat).

  4. 29 Jan 2008 at 3:08 pm

    Wow… This topic is Gold. Extreme Gold.

    I guess I’ll add my two cents to it though.

    My background is Asian American. Honestly speaking it’s very true. I do lots of traveling and plenty of White men are with Asian women. I don’t have a lot of Asian friends to be honest though, but most Asian women I’ve talked to have either been interested in me or have dated me. But, I’m pretty white washed.

    There’s a lot about Asian American culture that lacks. It just lacks. Asians are afraid to step outside of their genre. Mostly by parents. And who wouldn’t? It’s a good genre. People stereotype us as Smart, Harmless, Hardworking, Dedicated. Some more ignorant stereotypes is that we’re all Kung Fu Masters and that our Penises are short.

    -Shrugs- The penis thing I don’t think I would even fight against to be honest. Not that it’s a pointless debate, because there’s a lot of attention towards it, so hey, it must be important to someone.

    There was an article that I really enjoyed. That white men’s Genes have extremely more variation than asian men’s. Which is true. Even to hair color and eye color and personality traits.

    Asian men are typically going to be close to the same height of their gene pool. I’m 5′ 9″ which is odd for most Asians. And I also ended up putting a lot of muscle and body mass as a child, I spent a lot of time wrestling and boxing (no martial arts).

    Because of this lack of variation, there are probably few asian men who go outside the bounds of their physical stature. But whereas many asian men will not vary. There will be VERY small white men, and VERY large white men.

    I am pretty unbiased, which leads me to seem fairly femenine. I don’t take insults… Seriously. And I do try to look at things from other people’s points of views. I stand up to bullies, but I’ll understand why they bully. Some girls will think it’s attractive how I’ll defend others or defend myself. But later will think I’m weak for helping offensive or derogatory people.

    Most of the women I’ve dated were Caucasian girls. In fact, in my life I’ve only been with three Asian women. And honestly speaking, I think they were kind of crazy. In fact… I’m pretty sure they were.

    Caucasian girls like my hair, they enjoy my attitude in living life. In taking things without bias. I have a slight retardation that sort of makes it difficult for me to be attracted to people based on their looks. It’s actually really annoying, because it’s hard for me to relate to many other men.

    However, a lot of these Caucasian girls were looking for Asian men to begin with. There are a bunch of girls that really Love attractive Asian men. However. A LOT of asian men I’ve seen are… Well

    Really fugly.

    They don’t work out. They don’t take care of their bodies. They dress in depressed clothing. They don’t care about themselves. Most of them really DO look stereotypical. And at the same time. The asian men I’ve seen wearing tight collared shirts and hair short in spikes. They look too much like they’re trying to be white.

    Both of these are really… Well.. Bad.

    I like lots of different looks. I like Business looks, I like Gothic Victorian. A lot of times though I wear whatever I went to sleep in though (pair of joggers and a tanktop).

    I think in the end, All women want is someone special. Someone different. Someone whose not a wimp. And they can only make these choices on that based on what they perceive. And that’s not just women. That’s everyone.

    You could say. Men want someone special, different, a girl whose strong. And can only make these choices based on what they perceive.

    White men are good at PROVING that they are these things. They have attitudes that are loud, and defensive egos. They all atest that they are “different” from others. Regardless that they’re all pretty much the same.

    They’re human. We’re all human.

    I noticed a lot of asian people take offense to this post from Hostile Witness.

    But he/she is just calling it how it is.

    Lots of asian men don’t care about how they look. Lots of them are extremely boring. The ones who try not to be boring (see asian “Gangstas” -shudders-) come off as copies of otherwise superior caucasian males.

    The parenting isn’t just that it’s focused on academics. The parenting teaches us not to think about who we really are. What we really want. We’re taught from an early age to put others before ourselves. And whilst this seems very “honorable”, it is also very bad for creating an “Identity”

    Part of identity is that a person is moving towards the goals that they set out for themselves. And that, is something most asians never receive. Making them machine like and dull. Even though there are many, extremely good asian artists. Very few asians can completely make themselves impassioned. Very few asians can be in touch with who they are inside. They hide it all behind an aegis of “Responsibility” and “Honor”. To “Serving one’s Parents”

    Instead. Asian men, and those who defend Asian men should look at Hostile Witnesses post as a marker.

    You can argue with people or you can prove them wrong.

    If you’re already being yourself, you have nothing to worry about. Your life is complete regardless of whether people acknowledge it or not.

    But if you aren’t doing that. If you’re not attracting women. If you’re not doing things for yourself and adding more good things to our stereotype. (Don’t fight the stereotype, just add more good things to it. We’ve got a really good thing going for us so far, we just need to add more things) Then do ‘yourself’ a favor.

    Asian men can look good. Take care of yourself. Eat more proteins, work out. Take care of your skin. STOP SQUINTING. LoL. I know it’s a big joke against asians squinting, but let’s be honest. If we just open our eyes a little more, than our eyes actually seem extremely exotic by most women’s standards. Instead of typically retarded asian who can’t open his eyes.

    There are plenty of ugly white men, that JUST TAKE CARE of themselves. And they end up looking good too.

    If you read through Asian History, there are never many debates in our history. A difference in belief was solved with Results. Not words. There’s no way to prove that “Asian men can be handsome” or “Asian men can’t get girls” except proving it.

    Don’t complain about it. Don’t whine about it. OP (Hostile Witness) is just saying what he/she SEES, and it’s NOT ridiculous. Instead, you should all be silently thanking him/her for showing us where we stand in society from the most unbiased and opinionated source.

    Where else you going to get that? CNN? AsianAvenue.com? This is the truth guys. The truth isn’t that Asian men are ugly. But that’s the stereotype you’ve got to fight.

  5. ryan
    30 Jan 2008 at 12:45 pm

    I agree with TouchofInk 100% and actually just came back to this site to express these sentiments. My best friend is Korean, born in Korea, raised in K-Town and Orange County and before I met him in college did not have any friends that were not Asian, so he is definitely proud of being Asian and is not white washed However, he pulls more ass than most that I know, White and Asian girls. Why? Because he is a good looking, self-confident dude. He lifts weights, doesn’t have the typical spiky haircut and dresses in nice threads. He also drives a truck and not a lowered import (stereotyping I know). TouchofInk is 100% right. In my third party observation (third party because I’m outside the culture), Asian girls like the white guys because of their individuality and if an Asian guy expresses this (as my buddy does) he will have no problem getting girls. Heck, if I dressed like a stereotypical white boy in khaki pants, and polo and drove some bland car no Asian or any other chick would talk to me either.

  6. shannon
    31 Jan 2008 at 11:05 pm

    funny how this epps guys claims he is 6’1 and 160 thats a skinny ass and there he is making fun that asian guys are short he is one of those skinny nerd guys that had white girls reject him so now he found one of those asian girls that no asian guy would really want and he thinks they are hot shot couple and yet despite all of bragging he wont prove his claims and post a photo of himself and his girly he just puts on some asian guys in comedies photos keep on living in denial dude 😉

  7. marcus
    4 Feb 2008 at 5:42 am

    Okay I stumbled on this thread and had to speak. It’s funny how we can all make interpretations of how and why we see most couples together. I’m asian and grew up in the suburbs. My best friend is filipino but other than that all of our other friends are white or close to it. We got 2 italians, white & ecuadorian, a white & asian, and so on. We all go out every weekend and we are pretty much always the best looking group. I’m not kidding I swear we sound like girls sometimes the way we’ll look at a girl and say she’s disgusting. I mean girls go up to us, and we never buy girls drinks. I have to say a good amount of us has done some acting.

    There are different strokes for different folks. My best friend (filipino) loves Chinese girls. But the thing is he’s sort of socially awkward and has trouble not gazing at women’s breast. I have another friend who’s italian and girls really love him who dated this Korean girl tall 5’9.” He broke up with her after 4-5mo. My other friend who’s half white half asian, is really good looking, he doesn’t like asian girls at all, just blondes. And another good looking friend also thinks asian girls are ugly. For me personally I think after dating white girls and hanging out with latinas that I love…Brazilians. The tan ones with olive skin, blond hair, green eyes, and a booty. They want guys with color and actually come to think of it, we’re all tan! Any guy with any taste would love that. They are the most fun, and interesting to talk to, but they don’t care for pasty white guys. I’m actually hanging out with a group of 5 girls that came from Brazil with cute accents, perfect 10s. Anyways People say asian guys are boring? What about asian girls? If you have the luxury of being with beautiful girls most of them happen to not be asian, black or indian. Hence, asians are easy to pick up, because they rarely get hit on in the first place. I could tell you about guys dating asian girls that could be categorized as desperate looking. Now I’m not dissing asian girls I have met 1 asian girl and she’s a sweetheart, very cute, super bubbly but she’s just not my preference. Average looking asians will date average looking white guys. Same goes with average looking asian guys. I’ve seen some really plain couples, but oh well seems to happen more with girls who get….lame guys.

    Anyways my advice if your like me is to just not settle for anything less than perfection. Asian guys can get any race they want, and not just that they can get hot ones. I’m so shy but I’ve got the greatest friends who hype me up and who are so smooth and confident I don’t get shy at all. You can’t be a lemming out there. Hot girls don’t want the average and I swear I’ve had some hot girls, and none of them were asian. Half white, half latinas…the best! I had girls visiting 300miles to see me when I happened to be in town. I got the nice and the ghetto girls on me. Shit I’m still in college after 5 years so it’s not my brain. I don’t know what people talk about asian guys not getting girls. Guys care about looks more than girls anyways…I love being asian and different, for whatever reason a lot of white guys try to be asian.

  8. card
    4 Feb 2008 at 5:42 pm

    white guys trying to be asians? what the hell are you talking about? i have never seen that before. not in america, anyways.

  9. *sigh*
    10 Feb 2008 at 3:10 am

    woah marcus. i should mention that its mainly the players and the bastards that go for girls ONLY becos of their good looks (not to mention other ‘points of interests’). ever heard of ‘getting to know the person properly’?

    Yeah, i know that it’s hard not to judge peeple by how they look, but u neva know until uve tried. i hav actually found from walking through shopping centres with my (blond and brunette) frends, that the guys approach me the most (actually im the only who has been approached) for a chat. actually, now that i think about it, that’s probably becos im the only non-desperate looking member of our intimading bunch (apart from the other asians, they’re too shy). oo.

    i should also mention that african american males are incredible. Don’t do the Michael Jackson guys, cos ur amazing just the way u r. 😉

  10. sailor
    10 Feb 2008 at 2:58 pm

    Think before you act, which will prevent so much jeopardies to be happening in life.

    Let a sailor lead you out of the maze.

    We have to think outside of the box. The person, who have thought that he or she is better than others; and I know your knowledge is so contained.

    Nowadays, what do most girls want?

    Money (can buy what they want materialistically! Most inconveniences will be gone.)

    Family (always be there and can’t be divorced like a marriage; if you are smart eough, only things can separate parental, brotherhood love in the unit is disease and age.)

    Health (accomplish and sharing more in a longer period of time.)

    Companionship (which due to marriage for most people to fullfil saturated securities by adding a new member to a family; and hoping they will be there when difficulties do encounter or when needed.)

    I generalize that there are three types involvements in companionship to bring happiness.

    (1) Physically attracted (appearance)
    (2) Mentally attracted (supportive)
    (3) Curiously attracted (curiosity)

    Physically attracted: is that you see things by appearances, which sexually arouse you.

    Mentally attracted: is that your sweetened words have made thousands of orgasms.

    Curiously attracted: is that you don’t know what is inside the box and you want to give it a try.) Hmmmmm…………. thinking of that I might get lucky! or ETC.

    Can you live a sucessful life without the above? And which of those is more important to you?

    I have a bad feeling that a lot of people will check on ” curiously attracted” box.

    I don’t have to explain into more details; I know you’ve got the point.

    which of those will make a relationship last longer?

    Being more visualized on appearances?
    want to be supportive?
    Or being curious?

    People are too easily influenced by advertisements, commercials, TV episodes, Movies and ETC. Most tend not to put in deep thoughts about our daily ocurrences. Everyone know there are million of things that we have to think about in life, those are not that important we perceived has been changing us in the way of thinking and action.

    love comes with a lots of optional sidedishes:

    (Money) can buy talents, beautiful hookers, or even true love provide to a supportive couples instead of for you. (or keeping you heathier if you know how to make your money worked) haha……..! who said that Money can’t buy love.

    (supportive) will not change by time unless something stimulates/affects our brain with imformation that perceive it is right without thinking thoroughly or mishap.

    (curiosity) very hard to sustain because you have never had. Tell me! If you opened the box, you saw what was inside that you didn’t like. And after awhile, you were being offered another well-decorated box from the same person; you knew D thing he got already. Then, you said that you didn’t like the box. In fact, it is not that you don’t like the box; what you don’t like is inside the box. Something that has been there and could be impossibly expensive to replace, is very easily to decorate. (what I am trying to tell is that something you tried will no longer ignite a curious feeling; could be mysterious!)

    (Appearance) which everyone knows will mostly die down in ages. And then, what you have got left?

    Asian pride, and I could be influenced, but nothing can change my originality, which will be always the best to me.


    who has cruised around the world.

  11. 10 Feb 2008 at 6:44 pm

    I said that japanese girls are easy lays for all NON-BLACK foreigners. Asian girls will give anyone a chance except for Blacks, and in Japan it’s almost impossible not to get laid (unless you are Black, where it is almost impossibile to get laid).

    Race is the only thing that matters in life.

  12. 11 Feb 2008 at 11:29 pm

    Hi guys,
    I thought a lot of racism in here. In General I know and have dated asian women that cant stand asian guys. This is personal perference. I do sit pon the train from time to time and wonder how did that guy get with that chick, but this once again is all races. I find some asian women attractivebut not all are attractive. Some have the flat nose and no tits and a 12 year old boys arse. Ones to steer clear of.

    The truth about penis size.
    IT IS A WELL KNOWN FACT THAT ANSELL HAD TO START MAKING smaller condoms for the IDIAN Market. Nothing said about the chinese. My thoughts are that the Average in DICK in china is 5″ – 6″. I think the average in australia is higher.

    Generally NOT. I have meet some asian guys that have been good looking, but on a whole no i have found they have there own particular smell, and they lack eating ettiquet.
    The Asian women I dated actually mentioned to me that she cant stand the slurping and etc.

    I have even meet an asian guy who HATES asia, he said im australian see, i cant stand asians. now that was strange.

    The nicer looking asian girls like Not so much WHITE GUYS, but like guys from different cultures other than asian. Its the cultural difference they want to experience and some eventually fall in love with the culture. SIMPLE.

    If i was a women I would not date an asian guy.
    Slurping, smelly small dicked, with no sense of humor most of the time.

    Although Japanese people are great Guys and Gals.
    I think i have it in for the chinese

  13. 20 Feb 2008 at 11:57 pm

    Omg please its lk you tube comments all over again!! first every body is good looking and no one can say white or asian there are only 3 races in the world caucasian … then some other two (i know ima get attacked for that one) any wHay….im not accusing any one but my asian friend says she likes guys with blue/green eyes and typcally “white” males have that then of course i have another friend not asian who is with an asian guy…. so this only leaves us at WTF are we all arguing about …..hostile whitness… well if u see it that way thats fine but please dont generalize im am a hispanic/itallian/asian. and here in america there is no such thing as a pure race anymore so who is “white”? *sigh* all im tryiing to say is that no one race is superior or minor i see beutiful males and females every day of all sorts of races as JazzyChojin 16 Jun 2007 said ” i find asians attractive but i also find so many other women attactive” we all have our traits and hostile whitness im sorry if it seems lk im accusing you and making a big deal but this isnt directed to you but to EVERY BODY no one is ignorant because of a single mistake and no one is below or above anyone we are all equal and luckily, although we still have prejidice ppl were seeing less and less racist ppl, so were making progression


  14. 21 Feb 2008 at 12:06 am

    oh and violent aj you are a doutch plz dont make this into a crazy debate go to my site and confront me there but plz listen before you say there are tons of jappos and blacks asians and blacks every body is with every body nowadays so dont be the hick inbred R-tard or the hitler “arian” superior race. because race dosent matter before maybe it did, but we are living in the 21’st century and we can travel country to country people from al over are mixing and merging i have no idea what “race” you are and if i misunderstood you comment forgive me but seriously nobody likes doutch bags anymore and im sure the “blacks” dont like shit lk that either. so there


  15. 28 Feb 2008 at 2:41 am

    Doomsday, you moron. Japanese hate Blacks and race is very important.

    You being itlaian/hispanic should know that (itlaians hate Blacks and hispanics kill us for sport in LA). Asian girls also like those two race but will not touch a Black.

  16. 29 Feb 2008 at 9:31 am

    I used to feel the same way as half the sex-racist posters in here…

    But frankly, White guys never lived up to their hype. Far from it, in fact.

    So, it took a while, but I finally came to my senses! I turned around and have never looked back. Never again, ew!

  17. *sigh*
    4 Mar 2008 at 3:29 am

    Hey ViolentAJ, now there’s where you are wrong. Unless ur an asian girl like myself, I have no idea how you would no all this. but obviously ur not, or else u wouldnt be coming out with all this crap. and plz, dont start referring to asian women as ‘objects’ cos that is really insulting. o yeah, and dont start bagging black guys, cos they’re awesome. anyways, men who go to asia just to ‘get laid’ r f***ing perverts, and belong in a prison.

  18. Randy Moss RLZ
    5 Mar 2008 at 8:24 pm

    As an American guy, I think the hottest girls are Swedish or South African. As for Asian girls and white guys:

    Filipino girls seem the most DESPERATE for white men. This group of asians has to be the most represented group of “Asian girl-white guy”. They seem to be insecure dating asian guys and just like to rub it in, “Hey look what I’ve got!” I think filipino girls are the most curvy and full-figured of the asian subtypes. I like Filipino’s body the best of the asians, but the Japanese have the best skin tone.

    Indian girls=tooooooo shy, I could be wrong. The more south the Indian, the more studious she is and focused on getting into medical school. This is a huge turnoff for a guy. This makes alot of American men think she is standoffish and arrogant and too sophisticated to hang out. On the contrary, she really is shy and finding a way to kill time studying and achieve a stable financial life. It’s a sad deal, Indian women are really beautiful but they are wasting away their talent. I’m talking Indian american here, not Indian indian. Moreover, she probably never has held hands with a guy until 21 years of age. Northern indians tend to study less and get more play, not sure why

    Chinese girls tend to stick to their Asian groups more. Ting tang ding cung pang ding. I love the sounds, but I love the women more. I just wish I could understand what they are saying, they are really beautiful. I hate the stereotypes they get, because they are nice people to get along with and are very friendly.

    Japs are the most loyal to their Japanese men. Their skin tone is sooo beautiful to me. That milky white is irresistible! What I like about Japanese women is they are curious creatures, and will allow a white , black or indian guy into her social life. Group sex is a beautiful thing down there. Japan is an amazing place and such a mystical culture. I’m not sure my parents would let me marry a Japanese though because it’s too exotic.

  19. TrueToHeart
    8 Mar 2008 at 5:44 am

    First off I’m an Asian Girl and i admit that i like white guys and i think they are the hottest!
    well in general i think white people in general are the best among other races.
    sounds kinda racist. sorry but that’s how i see it.
    (i think everyone is beautiful in their own ways but some are justprettier. too pretty they stand out)

    @Randy Moss RLZ
    yea i live in the Philippines. I usually see Filipino Women with White Men. There is one in common. The White is already old and the Filipina is not that aesthetically pleasing.
    ….sorry to say but i don’t really find filipinos attractive.
    Those Attractive filipinos are celebrities and most of them are mixed! and they to have White skin!! which most people in this country wants. whitening here and there.
    so maybe they want white for a change.

    This article makes me feel insecure like i feel so ugly i wanna kill myself.
    I have no idea why i really hate how i look and want to change myself.
    I’m 5’2″ , around 115 lbs ish. Chinese. crap. Most Chinese want their spouse to be Chinese too! if not,,at least 50% would do.

    well i think Chinese are pretty but so not me.
    well whatever.
    Indian or Middle Eastern men, not really familiar with them but women!! they are pretty, they got gorgeous eyes!
    not Chinese eyes!! XD

    so yeah..peace.

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