Why Asian Girls Like White Guys II


As in the previous example, these photos are from the same photoset on Flickr:

IMG_2374.JPG IMG_2354.JPG

What could be worse than being an Asian woman in Asia and having to surrender your mystical Oriental hotness to Asian men? In no other race — white, black, Hispanic — are the women so much better-looking than the men.

Now you might say: What about Indian or Middle Eastern men? Aren’t they uglier than Asian men?

Possibly — but my point is that their women are incredibly ugly as well, so it’s a good match.

My wife’s cousin, also an Asian girl, agrees with my theory, but adds something I hadn’t thought of: Asian guys are also boring, she says, because they’re all the same. They all have the same story, same parents, same college major (engineering or business), same, same, same . . .

  506 comments for “Why Asian Girls Like White Guys II

  1. JT
    13 May 2008 at 10:23 pm

    Hostile Witness-

    You’re an amazing troll, and I sincerely respect that. Keep up the good work torturing these poor idiots. And yes, my IP address is out of Alabama. We’re not all backwards and stupid here, especially ones like me who aren’t from Alabama. ; )

    As for me, I like asian girls because of their lovely eyes, dark hair and beautiful complexion. No other reason. : )

  2. lol
    20 May 2008 at 7:50 pm

    lol, i feel so sorry for this blogger, he likes ASIAN women, lol.

  3. lol
    20 May 2008 at 7:51 pm

    i also find it funny how guys are judging the hotness of other guys, LOL!

  4. lol
    20 May 2008 at 7:59 pm

    i don’t really understand the motives of the white people here. I think they’re all afraid of asians exceeding them in the world. It’s like they have such issues with asians that they have to make fun of them. It exhibits behavior that essentially relates to primal instinct, such as that of apes and chimps.

  5. lol
    20 May 2008 at 8:02 pm

    oh and i don’t think those asian women whom worship white guys are going to make any difference. Having sex with them is nothing to be proud of, they’re used to being sluts, they’re trying to be white women for some psychotic reason. Then being proud of being in a relationship with a slut…lol. Oh and if and when you do have children with them, your children will be half ASIAN, AND POSSIBLY A MALE, LOOOOL! White men (some women), you have GOT to be the dumbest people on the planet.

  6. lol
    20 May 2008 at 8:05 pm

    I mean, it’s really sad when an asian woman would rather be with a racist person than a non racist. So I guess there are an ASSLOAD of sad asian women, but the fact that they’re mixing with white people is most likely good for the rest of the asian race.

  7. Johannastown
    3 Jun 2008 at 9:23 am


  8. tamy
    9 Jun 2008 at 10:23 pm

    the only asian girls who just prefer white guys are the ones who are ugly in asian standards (dark skinned,chubby) or they have had bad experiences with asian guys in the past. And usually white guys who didn’t have much luck with the white girls have that asian fetish that all asian girls want them and so on, so let them live in their own little world, by watching how this epps guy post pics of some comedy show where the guys are dressed up for the just shows how insecure he is so epps think he is better looking then these asian guys then he can prove it and show what a gift to asian woman he is or just shut it 😉
    epps and hostile witness would just wish to look like these guys

  9. 9 Jun 2008 at 10:29 pm

    awww to bad epps doesn’t allow others to post pics, seems like someone is afraid and in denial well whoever wants to see some hot asian guys just click on my name 😉
    i am sure the guys on that page have had more action with asian women and whites then the epps and that hostile guy even ever meet.

  10. HW
    10 Jun 2008 at 10:05 am

    Hi Tamy –

    You can’t post photos (what could possibly go wrong?) but here are the links you posted:


    I look a bit like the first guy, but more masculine, like a rodeo rider.

    The best I can say for Epps is he looks pretty good for his age.


  11. MS
    10 Jun 2008 at 11:18 pm

    Those guys are hot! Are you sure you don’t want to turn this blog into a hot Asian male dating site? What would Anne Frank say about that? I bet she’d say “OMG WTF? Ur pwnd w00t!” Maybe not…

  12. KSS
    12 Jun 2008 at 10:49 pm

    – This is so childish and pointless. Every race has good looking people but the blog owner just doesn’t understand this. How typical – another white American male who is unable to appreciate other cultures and thinks the world revolves around himself. I am sorry. Ignorance and close mindedness is just not acceptable anymore. If you have any sense, i hope you will learn from some of the posts made here by others who understand this.

    – For God’s sake man, your wife is asian, believe it or not that means your children are as much asian as white. Think about it and reflect and grow – please don’t give me smart ass childish responses. if you are going to respond please contribute something enlightening and not your usual cop out, half-baked replies that i see you posting.

    – Please stop tracking everyones IP address- it’s creepy in a middle-aged-white-male stalker kinda way. In case you can’t satisfy your urge to classify me, let me just tell you up front: I am South Asian and i attended an elite private college on the east coast, and i mean Ivy league elite.

  13. !deal
    13 Jun 2008 at 12:08 pm

    maybe the initial attraction is primarily physical…did ANYONE mention PHEREMONES?


    lets hear real answers, from the asian girls, who do and dont date white/other men…

    i think its a combination of the 3, and the ‘novelty’ of new experience…anyway you shake it though, as a white or asian person you either are or arent going to have success with the opposite gender based on your qualities/compatibilies/skill/game not so much based on your race. HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE THERE IN THE WORLD. if you arent getting laid, blame yourself, not another race. in conclusion i would like to posit another question appropriate to the forum…. and its not why are asian girls hooking up with white guys…it is why ARENT more asian guys hooking up with white girls?
    GO GET ‘EM! there really are plenty of possible partners for all of us.

  14. 17 Jun 2008 at 2:16 am

    “I look a bit like the first guy, but more masculine, like a rodeo rider.”
    that makes no sense so you look asian huh?

  15. HW
    17 Jun 2008 at 9:44 am

    I meant the physique, know wha’m sayin? Come on, tamy, you know wha’m sayin…

  16. raj
    26 Jun 2008 at 4:45 pm

    lol this person who ever wrote this obviously is chatting rubbish. indian woman have won miss world, miss universe etc how many times….. exactly in comparison to asian oriental woman 0. so that fact alone proves that indian woman are hotter. then the comment about guys, asian bollywood actors are one of the most good looking men, in fairness every colour has there good batch of good looking people. me being bengali asian, i have had loads of black girls who like me, white girls, and asian girls that find me attractive…..your theory is incorrect, perhaps you need to travel outside of your local street and actually look at the entire world. i understand chinese guys are not very good looking and have not been blessed with large manlihood, but this isn’t brown asians fault, or arab mens fault so stop trying to bad mouth.

  17. kat xing su
    26 Jun 2008 at 4:48 pm

    i think brown asian are hot, so are arabs and also white guys and blacks, chinese guys are ugly and im being honest, i agree with the above they have small penis and are hairy in the wrong places.
    with regards to woman i think there are too many beautiful woman in all races.

  18. elo
    29 Jun 2008 at 8:03 am

    u guyz r a bunch of sados!
    violent aj wat iz it wiv u n black ppl + japs!
    benito u need 2 go f*** ur self!
    4 all of those who r rascist u r a bunch of slags and Desire u really r jelous wiv asian gals.
    man u guyz need 2 get a life.
    i’m in da army and i work wiv people from different races! so da soldiers who fight 4 ur nation are frm different backgrounds!

  19. boomshaka
    1 Jul 2008 at 2:18 pm

    It’s very sad that a lot of Asian women here are going out with white men or prefer white men over their own race. Of course some do it because it’s true love, but unfortunately this is not always the case. This is the reason why you see many Asian women with ugly/old white men because they will say “yes” to the first white guy that asks them out. Again I’m saying this is not always the case, but you can find a lot of cases like this.

    I am telling you this from my own observation, I have a lot of close Asian girl friends in college and I can tell you about 80% of them want to date a white guy or already is. I asked them why is this, and all of them said pretty much the same thing. They said because white guys are more masculine than Asian guys and white guys means more power. This obviously means that these girls want go out with a white guys because for more power and class. It sad that

  20. boomshaka
    1 Jul 2008 at 2:21 pm

    … they put down their own race like that. And don’t you guys get the wrong idea, I am not white, I am a Bengali male myself. I was curious about this asian/white thingy, so I decided to interview some of these asian girl friends I have lol.

    Also I can tell you that when these Asian women come to America or grow up here, they automatically fall in love with the society here, so the only way to fully live in this type of culture and society is go out/marry a white guy so they can be “popular”.

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