As in the previous example, these photos are from the same photoset on Flickr:
What could be worse than being an Asian woman in Asia and having to surrender your mystical Oriental hotness to Asian men? In no other race — white, black, Hispanic — are the women so much better-looking than the men.
Now you might say: What about Indian or Middle Eastern men? Aren’t they uglier than Asian men?
Possibly — but my point is that their women are incredibly ugly as well, so it’s a good match.
My wife’s cousin, also an Asian girl, agrees with my theory, but adds something I hadn’t thought of: Asian guys are also boring, she says, because they’re all the same. They all have the same story, same parents, same college major (engineering or business), same, same, same . . .
also, sorry for my shitty grammar.
>.> wtf are u talking about… Asian men are hot as all hell. I think white men are some of the ugliest on the planet. Brad Pitt… wtf…. Have you ever seen Mana of Moi dix Mois? Male, and beautiful enough to pass as female. Which is probably why the author of this thinks only the not as hot males are the only males in asia. Human’s human so do what floats your boat and have fun with the limited amount of time u have with your life
to pele, (assumin’ ur talkin’ to me) ok i got carried away in my first statement and am sorry. however, i do mean what i say when i talk about bein’ looked down upon by other asians. i have always gotten along with others despite race, white, mexican, black, ect. and have always treated every asian i’ve met (and believe me, it’s been alot) with respect, but have been treated like shit. the only asians i’ve ever gotten along with were all fillipino, i ain’t shittin’ you either. all asians ain’t weak, ugly, ect. and all asian women aren’t gold-diggin’ sluts, i got caught up in my first statement and am not above admittin’ i made an ass outta myself, but i am proud of my ‘white heritage’ and family. still i apologize for my earlier harsh comments and to any asian-american i offended. (which is probably alot) but still i am sorry.
My wife is Korean-American and I am white. I met her in S. Carolina over a quarter century ago and we are happily together. We have two daughters…one hooked up with a white guy and one hooked up with a Korean-American guy.
Both guys are equally good in our eyes. In other words, their ethnicity is of no consequence.
This is the way is should be. Judge the person for who he or she is…not what he or she is.
Any body on this site who has said Asian women
are ugly have never been to Asia.I am a white dude from London of Irish decent and really just give my ownest opinions.
It is all about percentages, If you ride around
Europe or North America you will see some fine
women. If you ride around Asia you will see
hotties everywhere and I mean everywhere.
Love these women had lots of fun with them they are really nice to be with and look so good when you get their clothes off.and anybody who says anything negative about them I would say is probably jealous.
Asian men do not be angry about this, it is a compliment. People say that Asian men do not
have relationships with other races so much, I
do not blame them, why look else where when
the have women like that.
Asian girls do not I like white guys, im white and there are a ton of asian girls where I live, all of whom only date asian guys, anyone who falls for this crap is an idiot
Well, where to start… first of all, I’m Asian. Does this matter? Unfortunately, in this day and age (and especially this blog), I suppose that it does. Oh,and to many of the comment posters, way to stereotype absolutely everything. Nothing saddens me more than when people put down others, whether they’re from the same race or not. Like many people have said before me on this blog, all races (all though there is no gene for “race, per se), have attractive/gorgeous women and men and unattractive as well. What people are attracted to varies. It’s completely absurd and frankly ridiculous and naive to say that “all men of one race like all women of this race!” or vice versa. True, there may be some gerneralizations that are valid to make based on cultural tradtions, such as Asian men dating Asian women because anything else would be considered “dishonorable” or something like that, but it can not be said that a certain race likes another. People vary.
I personally know people that will only date Asian guys because that’s who they’re attracted to, I know people that will only date other races, and I myself normally like white men because, unfortunately, in the US, people say “all Asians look alike..” I think this stereotype and generalization has made me believe it in some way, whether consciously or subconcsiously, and so I do not date Asian men; I don’t want to be walking with my boyfriend and having ignorant people say “is that your brother?” That would be quite awkward indeed. I’m 100% Korean, born there and adopted, in fact, and my boyfriend is 100% German, born and raised for 6 years. I’m not racist, but I’m only attracted to white men. This is my preference, it’s who I’m attracted to, but that doesn’t mean that all Asian women like white men.
Oh, and as far as the people that say “Asians are flat and look like boys,” well thanks. Because it’s people like you that make me feel bad about the way I look, even though I have curves and I don’t look like a guy, but it hurts when people make hasty stereotypes like that. Even though I was a model and everyone reassures me that I don’t look like a boy, it still crosses my mind from time to time, and I always wonder what people see in me.
In general, stop being racist and agree to disagree; some people are more attracted to certain types, even within the same race. White women may prefer blonde-haired men or brown-haired; it all varies based on the person, not on the race.
Hopefully, more thought will be put into life and people will stop being prejudiced and racist, but only in a perfect world.
Have a nice day.
I’m an asian girl from thailand. i like western guy, white guy or prefer men with european descent. It’s just my taste, they looks beautiful in my eyes. I don’t like myself,i just wish i could born to be a white girl in the next life (if it exist). However, ever ethnicity have their own beauty. All is just a personal preference. sorry for my bad english.
There are a bunch of beautiful people of every races out there. You people are sick thinking one is superior than another. It is just all about personal preferences. Why some prefer german cars over japanese cars. I am not saying dating is like choosing a car, it just goes to show that people believe in what they believe, desire, or in this case attract to what they like. Look matters but in the end it all comes down to the personality and attraction of the two.
Dear Am,
It is really sad to know you wish you were white. I am sure you are beautiful in your own way. Thais have very rich traditional cultures, embrace it. Be proud of it I have met many many caucasians, educated caucasians i am talking about businessman, doctors, professors, engineer, that appreciate thai cultures. Some said they are dying to go there. Some have been there numerous times and wanting to go back. Many saying Thai women are beautiful, people are friendly, and of course the food is incredibly good. They are really interested about other cultures, and that is how i am too.
I was born and raised in Thailand. Moved out here in the states during high school and that’s where i met my boyfriend. Yes a high school sweetheart, and now three years after we are still going strong. We are now in college. He is half british and half Irish. He doesn’t particularly attracted to asians. He will date anyone regardless of their races.
I do not think that asians who date white guys are bottom dwellers. How could you even say that? But if so then millions of white girls are bottom-dwellers because they date white guys, people of their own race. My boyfriend is a hard worker and has a really good heart. He works full time, or even 6 days a week by choice, and still manage to go to school full time earning his BS. We earn everything we want by our hard works and obviously not spoil but we deserve it.
My boyfriend’s sister is blond and pretty and guess what she has been dating an asian guy for over a year now. My boyfriend and his sister’s friends are mostly white. They had dated people of other race before. Nothing seems to be a problem, so why are people so ignorant and presumtuous.
Please excuse my English. I might sound better when i talk since people said i don’t have accent or some say little accent but not so noticeable. So that’s another proof that asians don’t always have thick accent. Get over yourself people . Be proud of who you are and who you have in life. It’s nothing worth talking about really. You know what’s best for you, and sometimes you don’t have to convince of prove it to other people. Prejudgement is not okay, but do those dumb_ucks prevent you from achiving your goal? They are the least of my problem, well as long as they stray away from me.
For those who think asians are ugly, please, if you think you are beautiful, i suppose you are materialistic. Where is your “inner beauty” then? Aren’t you supposed to be miss perfect and not look down upon others. What makes a good person nowadays? The more come out from your mouth, the more stupidity and shallow you appear to me.
I’m glad my caucasian friends find it funny to stereotype Asian guys with all the old deregatory comments, anything new?
The sad fact is that caucasian guys generally have some sort of supressed Asian fetish and really can’t deal with caucasian women.
So they generalize why asian guys are one step lower than white guys.
I’m white, and I love Asian people. I love the culture. I don’t know much about Asian women (because I’m a straight woman) but the rumor that all Asian men have a small penis is FALSE. I’ve had 3 Asian men. One was only about 5 inches, but the other two were bigger. One was average (probably about 6 inches or so), but the other one had one of the largest I’ve ever seen: 10 1/2 inches long, and about the width of a redbull can. I had to measure it in my disbelief.
I’ve been with men of different races, and I’ve found that Asian men and Caucasian men seem to be the best in bed. Black men tend to be lazy in bed (and no they don’t have larger penises). I do however, believe part of the reason for black men’s laziness in bed is because they have become overconfident after hearing and believing the myth that they have a bigger penis than everyone else and they think big penis = good in bed. That’s just my theory based upon my experiences with men of different races.
In my opinion, white men and asian men are the best both in physical features and in bed. As far as personality, it depends on the person. Perhaps Asian men come off as being shy at first, but once you get to know them they can either turn out to be the sweetest man in the world or the most controlling. It just depends on the individual and on their background I guess. The same as any other ethnicity. That’s my two cents.
I know I’m way off subject, but I just wanted to set some of these people straight. You can’t make generalizations about people based upon race. Everyone is different. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. It’s like they say: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.
hey everyone im 16 i go out with an asian girl and ive never been so happy in my life. a while ago i never would have imagined me bieng with a chinese girl, as personally a chinese person was somebody to make jokes about. but then i came across this girl and she was asian but she was very beautifull and i though it sounds shallow saying i talked to her because of this but at the end of the day it was the best thing i ever did. i just spoke to her as friends to begin with but she was so alike that i cudnt help begin to fall in love eith her. i used to call my friend a ‘chink’ because he resembled one, and it was just a laugh but now my whole perception has changed and i wudnt dare. my gf is a prime example of a gorgeous asian girl, and where others might disagree, she has a brother and he is a good looking guy. he is very popular aswell. her family are from china but she was born locally and has been brought up alongside an english culture, aswell as her brother. she is perfect for me in every way possible and hopefully my words are a good example of how if you just allow yourself to be more open minded you might be pleasently surprised. theres someone out there for everybody despite looks, race, gender, etc. do what you want poeple you only live once fuck what everybody else thinks. your happy there not and thats there problem.
btw hostile witness thankyou for making this blog ive spent a while reading most comments and overall i feel ive widened my knowledge. i was worried if i had children with my gf when im older the children will be asian. not because im racist but because others are. its a bad day an age when you have to worry about your kids before they are born dont you think?
I’m a well build asian man with white pale skin , green eyes , light brown to gray hair :))) 6′ tall and I own 7″ equipment …..Kazan Tatar :)))) Welcome if you need goodlooking & smart asian kids :DDD
Buy the way Nepali and Korean girls are very sweet , soft and charming ,carying …..treat them equaly and warm and they will bring you to Heaven :)))
BAHAHAHAHA i just read the comments from gill and luvu_luvunot and i couldnt do anything but laugh. sounds to me like these are two insecure ugly white girls who try to beat on other races to make their ugly selves feel better. hahahha laugh of the day
Asian people are interchangeable. They all act the same.
i forgot to add, i love asian girls because theyre fun and upbeat. Theyre smiling, clingy, lost little things full of life, and they look up to white men, like they respect them…
One thing i dont like though is how they seem to treat white men like nothing more then casanovas… or is it only me, i alwasy felt treated like the affair type guy, not the serious guy. The serious guy would be some gay looking man back home who calls her all theh time, showers her with gifts, and treats her like a child.
asian girls have no idea how hot they are. Its all about the attitude and confidence, and if they had a bit more confidence in themself they would be 100 times better in bed.
But lots of girls have this stupid stereotype that men are only interested in the size of their boobs. I wish they would wake up.
And also, white girls do not have these fascinating eyes.
Maybe asian girls lack confidence and white men exploit that. The thing i personally like about asian girls is how they are playful…
The thing that i dont like is how they get desperate for sex and clingy, and i think it has to do with self confidence.
I just checked on Wikipedia.
In America
50% of asian women have white husbands
41% of asian women have asian husbands
9% of asian woman have ‘other’ husbands
59%. Thats insane…