As in the previous example, these photos are from the same photoset on Flickr:
What could be worse than being an Asian woman in Asia and having to surrender your mystical Oriental hotness to Asian men? In no other race — white, black, Hispanic — are the women so much better-looking than the men.
Now you might say: What about Indian or Middle Eastern men? Aren’t they uglier than Asian men?
Possibly — but my point is that their women are incredibly ugly as well, so it’s a good match.
My wife’s cousin, also an Asian girl, agrees with my theory, but adds something I hadn’t thought of: Asian guys are also boring, she says, because they’re all the same. They all have the same story, same parents, same college major (engineering or business), same, same, same . . .
Being from Asia, I may be able to provide some insight into why Asian women prefer white guys. Over decades of economic and political oppression from the Western countries along with the media presentation of ‘perfect beauty’, people in Asia are brought up in an environment that tends to rank whites as being prettier than the natives. And this is not something specific to one country but is common in several countries. With this mindset, Asians, men and women, are attracted more to the whites. Asian men, however are primed to go for a native women to maintain the ethnic heritage but women have more flexibility. On the other hand, whites have been primed over decades to think that an Asian girl is more family oriented and will form a good partner. A combination of these environmental factors over a long time has resulted in what we see. This may also explain JazyChojin’s observations too.
Im asian and i have a white boyfriend,,actually we’re engage,,why asian women like white men??you dont you ask the white men who’s after us?anyway i will answer that question,,i love my white bf because he respect me,not like my ex asian bf he’s rude,,my american bf treats me like a queen,,and i treat him like a king too,,my american bf have a big penis compare to my ex,,he fucks really great,,im addicted to him,,and he’s addicted to me..
white guys are romantic and sweet,,satisfy you in every way,,
East Asian women are way better looking than East Asian men. But you are totally off the mark on Indian and Middle Eastern. Also it proves you are dumb ignorant American twit. Middle Eastern people are actually white themselves. Don’t believe me look up Ralph Nader who is the child of Lebanese immigrants. Oh and Middle Eastern women are amazing but don’t easily kiss white butt like Asians. There is a lot more than looks with regards to Asian women going after white men, its mostly because of social climbing. Indian women are actually quite good looking and even the men are well regarded. I know a lot of Russian and other European women who find Indian men attractive.
a great deal of white-guys just want have sex with u and after they finish it.they’ll leave.i dont why. in this fucking era.its hard to find a rlly sweet and love u guys.they fake target-fuck u!!!
But to say “Caucasians have Recessive Genes, whereas Asians and Africans have Dominant Genes,” what could that possibly mean? Being Asian is a dominant trait? Looking Asian is a dominant trait? It’s absurd.
You are being disingenuous, of course. There’s no such thing as an “Asian” gene, but the dark hair/eyes phenotype is unquestionably dominant. To the extent that mixed offspring inherit these characteristics, yes, “looking Asian” is a dominant trait. You already knew that’s what most posters were referring to as the “Asian gene”, but keep up the confused act if it makes you feel better.
Allow me to preface this by stating I have had 5 longterm(over 6 months) sexual relationships with a Castillian Spanish, Chinese Asian, Scottish exchange student, Pakistani, and Vera Cruz Mexican. I am attractive to all these women because I’m tall, intelligent, a good listener, and an incredible cook.
When narrowing ones choices, a guy has a number of values to weigh
(1)Crazy vs. Chill
(2)Beauty/Curvy vs. Plain/Square
(3)Sensual vs. Coldfish
Bonus: Social perks(your guys/parents like her), Financial perks(she’s going to contribute to the bank account), Household perks (she keeps a good house without asking or complaining)
Pitfalls: Facial hair(which eliminates 50% of central asian women), Forearm rugs(which eliminates 50% of Middle eastern women), inability to grow natural long shiny but grease-free hair(which eliminates 90% of black women)
First of all women are at least a little bit crazy. Most are a lot crazy. So in determining that factor a man must decide how detrimental the crazy she possesses is to your health. Hispanics in my experience have been the most dangerous crazy. They tend to get violently jealous and know people who want to “cut” you. Asian women are very breakable emotionally. The will cry a lot and they don’t care if its in public or wherever. But they are of little danger as they don’t have any relatives who can physically threaten me. White girls tend to be very chill on an average day. Not that they can’t do something stupid, but they won’t go off on you if you take care of the important things. White women imagine doing the Carrie Underwood destruction of a former squeezes Truck, whereas Hispanic women hear that song as a review of previous events of their life. Indian/Paki/Sri Lankan women are the most chill women. I have never been embarassed by one publicly and they can put up with a lot of shit.
On the beauty scale, sure there are ugly/plain people of every race. But we aren’t here to discuss how the ugly people of this world find happiness. If you rather take the populations of each race that are generally considered attractive, hispanics, mediteranean and middle eastern women have beautiful faces and very pleasant curves. White women are attractive but tend to have less pronounced eyes and must be made up more. Black women have a tough go. I have several stunning black female friends but I can’t date them because their hair is repulsive. Attractive Asian women also can be beautiful but they tend to lack variation. They all have small eyes and straight black hair. The best combo I have seen is a friend (who I can’t seem to get) who is half cantonese half irish. She has enormous boobs, a small waist and almost no body hair. And she’s brilliant. In all honesty the only reason I like full asian women is the hope that if we have kids, they will be like her.
Finally sexual nature. Hispanic women shag like wild animals. They actually require sex on a weekly basis or their hair starts to fall out (seriously have witnessed this on two occasions) White women and asians are the biggest cold fish out there. They tend to be tighter but only if they have narrow hips (which is not present in curvy women) As such sex tends to be more uncomfortable, so they have less of it. Larger hipped women enjoy sex more and thus want to have it more often as long as they aren’t too large to find a willing partner.
On the subject of bonus’, it may be painfully stereotypical, but white women please parents and friends, indian/hispanic/asian women usually get valuable degrees, and asian/hispanic women keeps things orderly around the house, very unlike white women who are notoriously messy. I have experienced all of these first hand from both friends and lovers.
Thanks for reading my opinions and experiences.
Who the hell cares?! Why get worked up over another idiot’s sexual fantasies? Date who you want, be attracted to who you want, and get rejected by who isn’t interested. It’s life- live it. I happen to be a white female with a brain- deal with it. I get attracted to many people- skin color doesn’t matter. Yeah, obviously looks matter but then you get over it and deal with their personalities…if you want a meaningful relationship. If you don’t, well that’s why porn and adult sites exist…
Why waste your time reading and responding to moronic rantings when nothing you say is going to change what they think or do? Though it is depressing reading people’s responses and realizing how many prejudiced and biased values ALL cultures have.
Whatever- live how you want but don’t come crying to the world if someone rejects you.
(And yes, I realized the oxymoron of me replying to moronic ideals, but oh well)
The best looking people are Northern Europeans (Swedes, Germans, Poles etc…) and North East Asians (Japanese, Chinese). The ugliest are black Africans and Aboriginal Australians who look like primitive humanoids. Arabs, Indians, Malays, Hispanics are a mix of primitive humanoids and Whites and East Asians.
If you think East Asian men are ugly, you are a blind idiot. East Asian men are some of the most handsome men in the world. My husband is one and I am an Asian Indian woman.
I cannot speak to why Asian women go after white men. I have a hunch that it has something to do with power or status. But I do know why white men are attracted to Asian women, as I am a white man and have heard lots of other white guys talk. Asian women are very feminine and graceful. They are not like white women who are materialistic and have a chip on their shoulder. And they are not like black women who are masculine and have a sense of entitlement. Of course these are generalizations and in no way is a rule. But the main thing is Asian women are pretty and smart, and loyal. That’s why I married one.
just hit on this blog by random and was totally shocked to see so many haters.a preference for a certain type of racial features and traits certainly doesnt make you decide on a potentiol mate/bf/gf theres something called chemistry and fate/destiny.
asian man and white man are both at par they only thing the asian man lacks is the ability to show their emotions,we tend to be a little stiff when it comes to being demonstrative with our feelings thats about it.when it comes to indian man i cant say the same though especially the north indians and south indians i’ve observe that they treat their woman more like babymaking machines,housekeeper and cook come to think of it they are treated as insignificant they hardly have a say in any matter.probably the younger lot is a little better.i know some of them are going to disagree with me but its a fact ,woman will definitely agree with me though.i quote this cause ive seen this happening to my freinds no matter how educated they are there are certain traditions no matter how old they are its still rampantly practise in indian households.
to john who wrote on this blog on 19th sept,are you so embarassed of your indian hindu name that you have to pick an english name?which is probably a raju ravi or a babloo!i agree that indian woman are beautiful but cant say about the man,if only you guys were a little less hairy,and stinky i cant stand the body odour that most of you tend to have.i think most of the foreigners who have being to india would agree to.btw i’m east indian and i have the typical asian features but i certainly am not ugly,i know most of you lot are envious of our nice hair and smooth fair skin,hell you guys are so obsessed with fair skin that even your biggest stars endorse fairness cream and there is always a mad rush for this so called fairness miracle cream.last but not least would you indian man please stop scratching your crotches in public its disgusting my advice would be if you do a womanly thing and shave your pubic hair a bit then you’d probably feel less itchy and of course a regular bath will help to
I’m white, and i find asian guys more attractive than any other race’s men. 🙂
Haha, so says Hostile Witness, who is uglier than roughly 75% of the people I have ever met.
A truly interesting topic, following are some of my random thoughts. I too have found myself being very interested in Asian and specially Japanese girls, it wasn’t a conscious decision like it seems to have been for some people here – just happened. Also, it certainly helps that I prefer beautiful straight black hair, shorter and more feminine girls but those are just the physical traits and as others have mentioned it’s also how Asian girls in general carry themselves. People choose partners whom with you can raise the best offspring with (it’s an unconscious decision) and I’ve never really felt that with any WF, call it chemistry or whatever but it just doesn’t happen – it cannot be forced. I’m a 6ft tall northern European with predominantly northern features and I just find tall blonde girls unattractive (plenty of them here) but I understand that opposites attract and that is why Italians, Spanish, Greeks but also British flock to here and the girls welcome them with open arms (or rather spread legs), it used to frustrate me but I can’t be bothered by it any more – live and let live. This instinct of “stop stealing our women” is completely natural and every man has it at some level, it dates back to millions of years when we used to live in small groups women were mostly used to produce and raise offspring so naturally every guy who threatened that was met with hostility.
I’ve developed a theory which seems to ring true – women in general are attracted to men who are confident but not cocky, men are confident in our approach if we feel we realistically have a chance with a girl (perhaps falsely, WMs have that impression of AFs) therefore it’s becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts.
Note to Asian guys: many WM dating AF means there is a large number of single WF, brush up your skills a bit and go for it, there are PLENTY of WF who are very interested in you…you just need to work a bit harder to find them.
You sound like a drunk dumbass. Asian guys are very sexy.
Middle Eastern women are beautiful.
And your wife’s cousin sounds like she’s full of herself, how sad.
@ Baka no otoko: your theory, that women were some kind of breeding cows who only raise and nurture offspring in the past is completely inaccurate. At the start of the patriarchy, this theory was invented.
In fact, women were hunting side to side with men, so they weren’t breeding cows, aren’t breeding cows and won’t be breeding cows.
I’m Asian, well from the Philippines, but in my opinion, all women of different kinds are beautiful in their own way. It doesn’t matter what others think, as long as you have confidence in yourself, why does it matter. I have been in the U.S. for almost twenty years, joined the Navy for six years and now work with government contracting. I was never part of an Asian clique or anything like that. I am currently with my Italian/German/French-Canadian boyfriend and we are very happy. Let’s just be happy for who we are. =)
I’m a Korean woman and majority of Korean women have the same thoughts on this WM/AF relationship. I find white men’s infatuation with Asian women to be thoroughly disgusting and revolting. Everywhere my Korean friends and I go, we’re showered with white mens affection towards us. From our proper upbringing, first we’re polite to them and give them hints that we’re not interested. From my past experience, never be polite to men that shows signs of interest. They take that as you like them. Now I just give them a disgusted look which startles these white guys but they will back off eventually. Expect a frustrated and angry look from these white men though. lol.
People really need to classify women within their nationalities instead of grouping all of us as Asians. What I have noticed in the 21st century is most Korean, Japanese and Chinese women go after Korean men. (NOT white men). It’s the dark skinned “Asians” ex: filiipinas, laotians, etc that tend to go after white men. Heck, come to think of it, these dark skinned women go after Korean men also. Well, white boys, you have some serious competition with Koreans. lol.
It’s true, in the early to mid 20th century, when the West was perceived as rich, powerful countries and the East was struggling with war and poverty where lots of Korean women married white men. But you have to remember, these war brides were rejected by Korean men and were regarded as dirty, uneducated whores. I think that’s why you will notice many Koreans look down on inter-racial relationships between Korean women and American men. It reminds us of war bride image. I’m not trying to crack on Korean war brides, but they are considered as low quality women who were ostracized by the Korean society. I guess they had no resort but to marry American GIs to survive.
The bottom line is majority of Korean women are interested in Korean men ONLY and white guys really need to stop embarrassing yourselves thinking you have a chance with Korean women. We’re just not interested. 🙂
They say White men and asian females are paired often.
I have always noticed more asian men with white women. I live in a conservative area.
White guy
you people are crazy, there are so many good looking Asian men… Like Junsu from dbsk… I find most Asian men ALOT prettier then White guys.