Thomas Jefferson on Pete Buttigieg, Lies and Crime Stats


Thomas Jefferson

My fellow Americans –

What Mayor Pete is saying here is that even though Donald Trump has disavowed a national abortion ban, he — Mayor Pete — doesn’t believe him because “he lies all the time.”

In my opinion, this is not the right moment in history for Democrats to take a holier-than-thou position vis-a-vis lying to the American people.

If I were a Democrat, I would not show my face in public and if I did, it would not be to lecture anyone on the perils of lying to the public.

We’ve just had 3-1/2 years of Democrats lying to us about the mental health of our president, Joe Biden. Anyone, during that period of time, could watch new videos every day of the president falling down, mumbling incoherently, wandering around lost and confused.

And yet we were told that behind closed doors, Biden was riding unicycles and juggling knives. He’s as sharp as a tack. Complete command of the issues. We can’t keep up with him. And oh, by the way, those videos are all fake.

After the Trump-Biden debate, when there was no point in lying anymore, it’s amazing how fast Democrats pivoted from “sharp as a tack” to “we’ve got to get rid of this guy.” My head is spinning, that’s how fast it was.

As a former president myself, I find it extremely concerning that Democrats never cared that we had a vegetable in the Oval Office, until it became apparent that the vegetable was not going to be re-elected.

How much of the 3-1/2 year campaign of lies was Mayor Pete involved in? I couldn’t say exactly, but I do remember seeing a video of President Biden introducing him as “Secretary Bootyjuice,” so clearly he was aware of what was going on.


Another topic under discussion with Mayor Pete was crime. He was quite adamant that crime is down during the Biden administration as compared to the Trump administration and encouraged viewers to look up the data themselves.

There’s a not very well-publicized problem with comparing crime data under Trump with crime data under Biden. Either Mayor Pete is not aware of the problem, although it seems like he should be, or he’s lying and relying on his audience to be unaware of the problem.

The problem is that in 2021, the FBI changed the way it collects crime data, and many police departments did not get on board. Only 63% of the country’s police departments submitted anything, and some of the data that was submitted was incomplete.

In some large states, like California and Florida, almost no agency in the state submitted any data to the FBI. The Los Angeles Police Department did not submit data to the FBI. The largest police department in the country, New York Police Department, didn’t submit anything to the FBI.

There’s no way to do an accurate comparison of current data with pre-2021 data. It’s apples and oranges. For violent crime, property crime and homicides, the number of crimes could have gone up, gone down or stayed the same.

It seems obvious that if the FBI crime data collection goes from 90-something percent of police departments to 63 percent, it’s going to look like crime went down.

We’ve also had a trend toward more “progressive” DAs, who prefer to release arrestees rather than charging them with crimes. That would also drop the crime rate.

My source for the information on FBI crime data is this article on

Thomas Jefferson

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