As in the previous example, these photos are from the same photoset on Flickr:
What could be worse than being an Asian woman in Asia and having to surrender your mystical Oriental hotness to Asian men? In no other race — white, black, Hispanic — are the women so much better-looking than the men.
Now you might say: What about Indian or Middle Eastern men? Aren’t they uglier than Asian men?
Possibly — but my point is that their women are incredibly ugly as well, so it’s a good match.
My wife’s cousin, also an Asian girl, agrees with my theory, but adds something I hadn’t thought of: Asian guys are also boring, she says, because they’re all the same. They all have the same story, same parents, same college major (engineering or business), same, same, same . . .
LeRonne we are discussing this from a heterosexual’s point of view.
There’s nothing to discuss.
I hope there will be segregation between asian man and asian women.
I want to see a day where asian man will hold their pride and never mingle with asian women who detest them so much.
There will be a day where i can see asian man having their revenge.
I’m waiting a political uproar.
If we segregate all the asian men from their women….where are more asian women gonna come from?
Also, there are many tall asian men…like my dad 6’1 and my grandpa 6’3 …and…that one basketball player guy. And I’ve seen asian men with big eyes.
One of my asian girl friends have really big eyes and I’m sure that there’s some asian guy out there with eyes as big as her too.
As i was reading through the top half of these statements i noticed a comment made about Falun Gong (made by Zhou).
The statement made by Zhou about Falun Gong has no bearing to this thread or topic we are discussing…so i would like to clarify the facts.
Firstly, this person ‘Zhou’ needs to understand that the reason why Falun Gong practitioners are letting the world people know about the Chinese Government’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is so that they (the chinese communist govt) can stop hurting innocent people who want to be good people.
The statement made by Zhou; “FUCK FALONGON for messing with peoples heads…though u claim ur trying to abolish the communist party in china…ur just a cult thats after peoples money….all u sickfucks dont and wont accomplish anything…..i just feel sorry for the people thats been brainwashed by the sick fucks” is all groundless.
Falun Gong is NOT a CULT! I define a cult being an EVIL practice where all followers detach from society and give all their money and change their names etc. Falun Gong teaches ‘Truth-Compassion-Forbearance’, to be kind to people, to perform their jobs in daily life good and to live normally like everyone else. ALso, Falun Gong does NOT WANT A SINGLE PENNY FROM ANYONE! Why would they want other people’s money when they have got their own? Obviously this person ‘Zhou’ has himself been brainwashed by the CHinese Govt’s propoganda.
Just take a look at the Dalai Lama. His religion is also persecuted by the chinese gov’t and he himself wants people to know that the chinese gov’t is persecuting people who want to be good.
Actually, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that is in China at the moment is not actually ‘CHINESE’. The Communist Party is actually something foreign that came from the Soviet Union. Before communism went into CHina, China had the most properous culture and was semi-devine (this is all unanimously aggreed by all historians). When Communism came in, it only took a matter of a few years for the Communists to destroy 5ooo years of culture, temples, beliefs, and chinese way of life (even the writing was changes – hence traditional and simplified chinese characters exist). Since then, the CCP has destroyed the core of chinese culture and through that has given CHinese people a bad image. True chinese culture now exists in Taiwan.
I would like to take this opportunity to mention to ‘ZHOU’ and other’s out there who do not understand Falun Gong… I know many Falun Gong practitioners. They are normal people like you and me. The only difference is that they adhere to the principles of ‘Truth-Compassion and Tolerance’ in daily life. They are good people. They have high moral standards. The reason why Falun Gong practitioners want to let people know about the persecution is so that the CCP can stop hurting innocent people. After all, If Falun Gong can be accepted in all other democratic countries and not in Communist CHina is says a lot about China’s communist policy: they do not allow freedom!
Though this thread does not necessarily fit in to this overall discussion, i hope everyone who reads this finds this helpful and mind-opening.
all the best!
any asian guys here, been to Europe? how were you treated by european girls?
I’m an asian guy dating a white girl. I’m not hated on by anyone and neither is she, all our friends just see us as a cute couple. I love her and she loves me and we’ve been going out for two years now (phenomenally long for a high school relationship)
I don’t know where you live but in my town in New Jersey there are no bias or harmful stereotyping of asians 😛
Sure there are still asian jokes, everyone should be a good sport about these things, but when it comes down to it nobody really is scared of an asian senior driving around in a car.
And one of the most important things is that your cultural identity is what you live. You’re not a sellout just because you’re an American-born asian like I am who has one foot in one culture and another foot in the other. I lived in China for 3-4 years and 13 years in America. There is no sane socially active person who would force himself to conform to his heritage when the common sense thing to do is to simply be American. And considering how very loose the term “American” is, you can just be an American person who knows more about Asia than your friends.
Hostile witness,
“Asian guys are stealing all the white girls! EVERY-
BODY PANIC!” – the picture.
You’re engaging in the logical fallacy of reductio ad absurdum.
Go back to school.
Since when are Middle Eastern and Indian/South Asian women (and men) ugly? Lebanese and Persians are gorgeous and many Punjabis and Pakistanis from South Asia are too.
You people make me laugh; I can’t believe the ignorance here. I was born in China and let me tell you I am far from short. 6’1 or 185 cm for you metric users out there. That is all I got to say, wasting my time here.
Well, I myself is Chinese-American and my girlfriend is Persian. We’ve been (happily) together for more than 7 years. I also think that Middle Eastern women (Lebanese, Armenian, and yes even the Aryan Indians!) are most beautiful, also, second is eastern European such as Russian.
We look at these self-loathing far eastern Asian women and they are despicable. They are from the bottom of the food chain and reserved for geeky-feminine paled skinned ‘in-the-closet’ white male. The far eastern women are loud and very very unattractive; and at most times, low class!
Funny, when the ‘angry’ white man and his “bottom of the barrel/$40 dollar item” crosses our way, their knees start to buckle. I say angry because we see it in their eyes because they are incapable of achieving more than what they’ve got.
>>original post by Stephen Harper
24 Sep 2007 @ 5:15 pm (post 151)
“I’m a white dude and I think you’re totally off. Look around…the only white guys Oriental Asian women seem to find are the ones that no one else wants (read fat, old or ugly). You comment on Middle Eastern/Indian women is the biggest shocker. Middle Eastern & Indian women are THE most beautiful women in the world. Don’t believe me? Just type “most beautiful woman” on google images and see for yourself. You’ll find mainly Middle Eastern or Indian women.
Asian women are too small and flat. I wouldn’t ever date them.”
Likewise – and couldn’t agree more!
I stumbled upon this blog while “googling” something entirely different. However, I found it so interesting that I have an uncontrollable, compelling urge to say something… particularly about what luvu_luvunot had to say. Quite frankly, people like him disgust me. This is why:
People here are intelligently discussing race, gender, and beauty [on the most part, in intelligent terms]. Yet, what is the first thing this perverse prick talks about? Not being able to comprehend this crap about “asians being tighter.” For some reason, I have the feeling that this person is really a white girl who is jealous that asian girls are considered exotic in America. She’s jealous that she looks strikingly similar to so many other girls here because the majority of people in this country are white. She’s jealous because she has a thin lip that disappears when she smiles, a nose that looks like a skii slope, and other features that are, most likely, terribly bland. By no means am I saying that all white girls are ugly– I’m just saying that in American, most white girls look so similar simply because there are so many of them. My advice for this unextrodinary looking girl? Move to the Asian country of your choice… there you can stop being jealous because for once you’ll know what it like to be considered exotic… perhaps [if your lucky] someone will even find you attractive.
Additionally, I’m repulsed by luvu_luvunot’s claim that “asian girls are hairy” and “YUCKKY!” Aside from that being terribly rude, that is horribly flawed reasoning. Of the small percentage of asians in this country, this kid
[my message sent on accident]
… this kid fools around with ONE asian girl and concludes that all are hairy. Could this oddly bitter and jealous person really be so ignorant to believe that one prson, a case study if I may, is a representative of the asian population in America? Then, this individual says that they went back to the “white queens,” and puts down Zhou for being what he/she considers on “his high horse.” He/she even mocks asian culture by putting the phrase “rich culture” in quotation marks. His/her caustic remark is so bitter.
So, if that idiot happens to read this, I offer him a challenge:
If you are a girl, I guarantee you that I, an asian, am better looking than you. Let’s compare pictures.
If you really are a boy, I guarantee you that I am better looking your current girlfriend [if you actually have the ability to attract other human beings] or your most recent ex.
I really hope that, I’m sorry, asshole reads this. [I probably sound like an arrogant asshole as well… his comments provoked me.]
Kandice we need more strong asian females who can speak up like you in this world.
If Asian men are really ugly compare to white men than we should be really proud, because we made very beautiful women.
Without Asian men there will be no Asian women. If white men are all handsome, logically they should produce beautiful women. Why are they all flogging to date Asian women and leave their beauties at home? For those of you who have to put down men from a different race in order to date “their women”, you truly have an inferiority complex. Heal thyself. Love needs no justification or damnation. You don’t have to put others down to raise yourself up. Worse still, if you have to put yourself and your own people down to feel good,you are truly the victim of yourself and the media. You have lost your mind and soul. Be proud of who you are, but no need to put others down; you are only showing how insecure and inferior you are. An advice for those white males who date Asian women and put down Asian men, if you keep on doing what you are doing, in 200 years there won’t be a white person in the audience. 😉
Im a filipino boy and i dunno what use are all on about but wher i live its alot of the filipino’s who get the girls around here. I dunno why but just happens. In my area its the filipinos and fobs but in the town next to me its the west europeans like the greeks , italians, bosnians who get them. wierd :s im from australia by the way.
I think its got to do with wher you live and media, the way you dress, act and shit. what one person finds ugly anthoer might find hot which is heaps common here .
Wher im from alot of the white girls say str8 up they only like brown boys like filipnios, pacific islanders coz thats mainly the boys form here and we usually hang round together n den u have the white bois who are left out. but then you go about 100km away and then its the opposite. i kinda feel lucky where i live but sorry for some of my white friends because they getting nothing while if they lived 100km awya they could be getting heaps and heaps.
Alot of my cousins are mixed with evry culture. my mum and dad are probably the only one out of there bros n sistas who are not mixed. Some of them handsome, some of them look like monkeys hahaha.
But the cousins who look like monkeys are funny as and have the personality to make up for it and even sometimes have the better looking girlfreinds.
My boys usually crack racist jokes 2 me but so do i bout them bein a fob or wog or white so its all good.
My girlfriends white/caucasian , Bosnian too be exact. But my last gf was halfcast filo and aussie.
i just came from a holiday in the Philippines and definately proud of being a part of asia . When i was there it shocked me too see how happy everyone was no matter the circumstance how wealthy or poor, single or taken, ugly or handsome, they all knew how to have a good time and have a laugh which made them happy as a whole and i think thats what matters because with that comes girls.
um Hostile Witness. i find it really rude and offensive what you said about Indian people. i’m indian. and i’m not being conceited or anything here,but me and my sisters, even my mom are FAR “incredibly ugly” and i dont just say this because its what i think personally, but because of what comments people have made. you are honestly so ignorant if you think indian AND middle eastern women are ugly. you must be OUT of your mind actually. are you not aware of how many times an indian woman has won the title “miss world” or “miss universe” india holds the highest number of miss world winners (tied with Venezuela). it is your own misfortune that you have been in places where the indian women you see are ‘incredibly’ ugly. and im sorry, but middle eastern women are too damn pretty. they’re like..white people, only more interesting. i’m sorry, some white guys are okay hot, but the girls are just too boring. they’re all the same. especially blondes its like okay get over it. you’re blonde. wow, so is everyone else. but whatever im not hating or anything. but middle eastern women. are. damn beautiful.
i myself find me to be more attracted to mixed people. but there are hot indian guys out there. prolly not in india. but try england. or canada. they ARE hot. and tehy’re not ALL dark. the ones from NORTH india! i’m from north india, and i am NOT dark.
but whatever, i guess everyone has their own views. different ideas of beauty vary from different people. but its still quite offensive to say something as outrageous as “incredibly” ugly. i mean i can barely bring myself to call ANYONE ugly no matter what.
its sad tho. because indian and middle eastern women are truly beautiful. but i guess with whatever view you already have on them, you’ll never see that..
here in california white girls are nearly hysterical about wm/af dating. get a life ladies!!!!!!!! when white girls are faced with asian competition-they usually lose. i hear its the same on the east coast. poor fat white girls getting kicked to the curb! lol!!! its the future…………..
Although this post is USELESS, I find it quite entertaining. Truth be said, I agree with the poster of this blog and anyone else who is convinced that Asian men are less attractive than Asian women for the sole reason that that’s my taste – and my taste is set on girls because I am homosexual, thus making men of all ethnicities less attractive to me. Yet, are we here to speak out our opinions? I read some posts saying things like “opinions do not matter, so state the fact”. But that is wrong, where are all the facts? There’s none that can be brought for sure, except for the “statistics” that Asian men have smaller penises. This is all about opinions. Nobody holds the truth because beauty is not a science. It’s relative.
Why is it that we must use stereotypes to prove our arguments? My father is Asian, and my mother is Germanic, and I’m very proud to be their daughter because they are beautiful people inside and out. On my father’s side, you’ll be wrong to say that the men are unattractive, because they aren’t. Most of the second-generation men in my family are tall, athletic and good-looking. Of course, I have a few cousins who aren’t as attractive, more frail and geekier, but isn’t that the case for everybody’s family? Just to say, I have attractive and less attractive white cousins as well. It’s just normal. And as for the girls, my father’s sister had 3 daughters and they all are amazingly gorgeous. But then again, I have an overweight, less feminine cousin from the same side of the family.
Being half-Asian and half-white, it hurts me to hear all those things. Even around my friends, opinions are shared. Some of my Asian friends consider me white, because of my mentality (I’ve been raised in Quebec and therefore I think like a Quebecer; not like my father nor like my mother). And yet my white friends consider me Asian, because I am not totally white, right? I honestly do not care what people call me, and I do not take pride in being Asian or white, because in the end, everyone is proud of their own “race” (I hate using that term because we are of the human race, not Asian race, or Persian race, or white race, etc. – ethnicity is a more proper term, I believe), and that’s how arguments start. Arguments like these never end, because one’s opinions will never make the unanimity.
First of all let me start by saying …………this is such BS! I am an attractive asian gal and trust me, none of my girl friends nor I think white men are more attractive than asian men!!!! LOL! The fact is there are so many White guys hitting on us, it really gets tiring after awhile. I am sorry but I am just not interested in the pasty, hairy, pot bellied look that most white guys have and than once they turn 30, they start looking like 50 and start going bald…………no hunny, that is not for me. MOST asian women who date white guys are what my gal friends and I call (bottom dwellers!!!). They date white guys because the hot asian guy they might want, certainly dont want them!!! And also, there are more white guys than asians in this country so obviously if there are 15 white guys for every asian guy, the pool of asian men to chose from is limited. But we are DEFINITELY NOT INTERESTED IN WHITE GUYS. I prefer Asian and to some extent latin men because they resemble asian men at times with the darker features. Also the american media plays a huge role in how asian men are perceived. There is so much blatant racist stereotypes that hollywood and american advertisers have of Asian men. And when the public sees these negative images of Asian men over and over again on TV, there is no doubt it influences how people think. If you don’t think it’s true, just ask any prominent psychologist. For example if we just predominantly see asian men as characters like Long Duk dong and Willam Hung (nerdy weak figures), which by the way got so much play from the american media, what do you think a young child growing up who may have no clue of Asian men might think???????? It’s no different than the way the media used to depict black men, always portraying them as drug addicts or ignorant or lazy. But lately because of all the black organizations protest and boycotts of these type of racist stereotypes, you really dont see much anymore. And there is a much more positive, diverse and fair representation of blacks in movies and the media in general. But not so with Asian American men. They are almost always depicted as weak, nerdy figures who can’t speak english well and never as an American who is a strong and masculine figure. TAlk about racist stereotype. That would be like just showing WHITE MEN ONLY as child molesters or beer guzzlin, fat bellied, balding wife beaters. And just what type of perception do you think we would have of white men if most of the images we saw were just this type of blatant racist stereotypes of white guys????? But instead white guys are usually the hero at the end of the movie who saves the day and American white male movie producers, directors and writers are usually the ones making the movies!!!!