Why Asian Girls Like White Guys II


As in the previous example, these photos are from the same photoset on Flickr:

IMG_2374.JPG IMG_2354.JPG

What could be worse than being an Asian woman in Asia and having to surrender your mystical Oriental hotness to Asian men? In no other race — white, black, Hispanic — are the women so much better-looking than the men.

Now you might say: What about Indian or Middle Eastern men? Aren’t they uglier than Asian men?

Possibly — but my point is that their women are incredibly ugly as well, so it’s a good match.

My wife’s cousin, also an Asian girl, agrees with my theory, but adds something I hadn’t thought of: Asian guys are also boring, she says, because they’re all the same. They all have the same story, same parents, same college major (engineering or business), same, same, same . . .

  506 comments for “Why Asian Girls Like White Guys II

  1. miszdimples
    22 Apr 2009 at 6:43 pm

    I think everyone comment is dumb.Like you guys are comparing everyone by looks .women are not objects.if some asian girls prefer white guys mainly because of looks thats wrong.like you people shouldn’t put down other races . comparing their features and body type.everyone want their race to be better than everyone get over that thinking. but to answer your question i do see alot of asian girls with white men but that doesn’t mean their gonna marry them. but when i do see a asian guy with a asian girl i think its so beautiful 🙂 just be proud of who you are and your cultures its a beautiful thing.black,asian,indian,spanish people are all beautiful .

  2. Supe
    27 Apr 2009 at 1:57 pm

    I can’t believe this post!
    OK so it’s all subjective and depends upon the individual but honestly…
    Which female with eyes, can’t fall in love with these 4 Korean hotties?

    Or Hong Kong actor Takeshi Kaneshiro?

    Or Taiwanese actor Mike He?

    And I’m not even from that neck of the woods, I’m Pakistani-Kashmiri (albeit with Tajik ancestry), I just believe every country/nationality has its fair share of beautiful and/or fugly people. I personally never really fancied blonde men, I prefer raven-haired hotties.

  3. 18 May 2009 at 10:45 pm

    y ask y about it? i see alot of this blog lately. let me tell you all y because we’re in their country that’s why……

  4. Mr. Hapa
    19 May 2009 at 10:50 pm

    I’ve read maybe 1/4 or so of the responses. Myself being half Asian and half White American I would have to say these are the women I am most attracted to:

    #1 half Asian and half White
    #1 half Hawaiian+Asian and half White mix
    #1 other similar mixes as those I listed above, e.g. half Native American and half White
    #1 half African American and half White (e.g. Halle Berry, Vanessa Williams, Beyonce)
    #2 Kazakhstan and Krgystan
    #2 women from certain Middle Eastern countries like Iran… uh, don’t know a whole lot… I gotta take a trip there I guess
    #2 maybe women from like near North India and Afghanistan
    #2 women from certain South American and Central American/Gulf of Mexico nations

    I do feel that a lot of “pure” Asian girls are not that attractive and that Asian guys on average are better-looking than their sisters. I’ve seen numerous Asian guys w/ girlfriends less attractive than themselves. I also don’t find a lot of White women attractive if they seem to be rather “pure” in appearance and have bad complexion. The White women who I tend to be more attracted to are a mix of various European ethnicities w/ maybe a dash of Native American. They may tend to have better complexions and/or darker eyes/hair. These types I definitely prefer over a lot of Japanese and Korean women. The Asians I tend to be more attracted to would be from Indochina (Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia) or areas where a lot of racial mixing occurred in the past (maybe certain parts of the Phillipines, large Asian metros, former trading posts in Asia, Xinjiang province in China).

  5. Mr. Hapa
    19 May 2009 at 10:58 pm

    From the looks of things, I think a lot of Asian and half Asian guys are going to get more play in their 30’s and 40’s than they expected for being of that age, esp. if they’re good-looking and have particularly good aging genes (i.e. some Asians age a bit better than other Asians). I’ve noticed Asian guys in their 30’s and 40’s having more success with White and other non-Asian women than younger Asian guys.

    The big reason a lot of White guys go for Asians is better aging, esp. in sunny climates. It might also be more so 30-40 yo White guys going for Asians.

  6. HW
    20 May 2009 at 2:43 pm

    @Mr. Hapa:

    You could have shortened your post by simply saying “I like anything with a vagina — except white girls with bad skin.”

    I prefer Asian girls with big tits but I’m not totally locked into that by any means…

  7. zwip778
    23 May 2009 at 6:19 pm

    One thing that asian-american don’t know is that they will never be respected as mothers. I am an attractive half asian half russian guy, look a little more white than asian (if I say I am asian, people would laugh at me but if i say actually half, they can see it) AND i do not respect my mom at all and do not talk to my father.

    I am a half asian male that was born in the US and feel bound to my asian brothers that are attacked and rejected by asian-american women like my mom and all my aunts. Though I personally do not have problem dating girls (believe me or not, I do not care, anyway, it is internet, I could be a liar but I am actually a big player), I just cannot stand that my asian sisters act the way they act.

    Asian women, go marry white guys that have asian fetish, but never will you be loved by your sons. Because they will know in which stereotype you fit, and odds are that even though they are not full asian and probably better looking than the average, they will not like this anti-asian man stereotype.

    That’s all I had to say.

    PS: Of course, we do not like our fathers that are usually white dudes that got this yellow fever a little bit because they do not have enough balls to date and feel secure with white girls. My father is the kind of stupid white american (with russian origins) that supposedly love asian culture but the truth is that he just love asian women because easier.

  8. squid ink
    24 May 2009 at 2:50 pm

    i notice that asian girls often suffer from ‘back ass’ and short legs….and now everyone in the orient is shootin for american idol status along w/ who wants to be a millionaire…i come from the backwoods of tennesse and we love our young nubile mothers…at 16 w/ a biscuit in the oven, we couldnt be happier….still, some ppl think we should add some diversity into the gene pool…so, if you know a decent mail-order bride website i can get busy mass producing one-eyed asian caucasian split babies

  9. matty
    26 May 2009 at 12:57 am

    im full asian male and ive been going out with a beautiful black south african girl. soo everyone needs to grow up and stop being so racist and narrow minded. your only gonna live an angry life because you can’t accept anything being diffrent like a white with a black or asian with a black or white with asian, get over jeeze…

  10. me
    31 May 2009 at 12:32 pm

    Asian women are boring too, it’s up to the man to take the girl out and show them a fun time, that’s why asian men have trouble dating.

  11. LM
    3 Jun 2009 at 3:19 pm

    wow this guy is a full of himself insecure racist who feels better about himself to boost his ego by belittling other races.

    a real class act!!

  12. LS
    3 Jun 2009 at 3:39 pm

    Every group has goodlooking and unattractive people. Asian men are just as attractive, or unattractive as any other group of males.
    I’ve seen quite a few Asians, in school, and married to service men.
    I come from a military town, and one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen was Asian. The hottest man, I think, is Russell Wong.
    I could go on about Asian men and women about how attractive some of them are, but that should be a given. I don’t think that Asian men are more effeminite, or better looking than their female counterparts.
    Please stop reinforcing old tired stereotypes about Asian males.

  13. altant85
    14 Jun 2009 at 5:09 am

    Hello there, after reading all the posts here i thought of expressing my own ideas about this theory.
    Firstly, i am a south european guy in Sydney who finds Asian girls extremely attractive with their feminime beautiful faces, smooth skin, black hair with an amazing texture. Actually that was the reason i wanted to dig deeper into this topic.
    I think the unfairness in these cases stems from the fact attraction has a cultural background side of it and as the white guys are living in the dominant culture of our time, they have higher probabilty of being in par with the portrayed attractive male stereotype. Asian girls are not consciously discriminating against asian guys nor worshipping the white guy whereever they see them, but they are uncounciously “filtering out” the traits not associated with male attractiveness norms(That is of course the same for males on many occasions, but thats another topic). Those cultural norms are oftenly adopted by the asian girl overseas as on most occasions as they are there because they want to be a part of there at the first place. Thats where the unfairness comes from. I can certainly understand the frustation comes with it but that is not really beneficial at all.
    Even as if it may seem BS, if you want to be with girls from any races who like to date with white guys, the more similiar your characteristic to those guys, the better. It is also the same for me but that process may be easier for me as a white guy, which is unfair

  14. 18 Jun 2009 at 8:46 am

    I can’t speak for the mass. But speaking for myself, drawn from my personal experiences, I do like men that are tall dark and handsome, in general. Race doesn’t come in directly. If you read my blog you’ll find I’ve had more than my fair shares of men. But at the end, my dear and loving boy friend is Asian. He’s intelligent, caring, loving and best of all he makes love to me better than anyone else. Much better.

    -Amy Ne

  15. anna rachel
    19 Jun 2009 at 8:37 am

    nahh nahhh

    in fact im half asian
    born in Aus
    Aussie dad asian mum

    i dont think asian guys are all the same and ive dated 2 so far they are totally diffrent..they have WAAAAY more respect for a girl then any white guys out thier ive met all white guys say is kinky shit and wanna get in my pants…but im not into the slutty talk.. i like a pure asian guy even better mixed… like me ^^

  16. urusei
    20 Jun 2009 at 7:02 am

    I still wondering why so many young white women fall in love with the likes of Mick Jagger, Donald trump, Vladimir Putin or Prince Albert of Monaco. Is it because they are white, tall and handsome?

  17. JordanB
    29 Jun 2009 at 1:02 pm

    Hostile, I truly hope that you have a better relationship with your son than some of the half asian males I have met who end up having issues with their parents as they grow up. zwip778’s post sums up many of the experiences I’ve heard from close friends. If you’re lucky, he will end up looking more white than asian.

    God bless.

  18. bill
    7 Jul 2009 at 3:47 pm

    Asians are far more superior then any other race. Asian own 3/4 of the world..so get the hint!

  19. Bob Dole
    9 Jul 2009 at 7:57 am

    Middle Eastern girls are ugly???? Are you crazy, google Persian Girls for proof…90% of Asian females have asses that are too flat for my taste, and I find most have very dull facial features, no eyebrows, flat little noses, no eyelashes. And usually they have very superficial personalities and are spoiled daddy’s girls. Filipino girls are usually the exception, they are pretty cool. (I grew up in SF, so i know alot of Asian folks) Peace.

  20. Yu
    14 Jul 2009 at 9:02 am

    “What could be worse than being an Asian woman in Asia and having to surrender your mystical Oriental hotness to Asian men? In no other race — white, black, Hispanic — are the women so much better-looking than the men.”

    This is stupid on so many levels. Not only do you make wild and baseless accusations but you sound like an old British pervert at the same time. Confounding.

    “My wife’s cousin, also an Asian girl, agrees with my theory, but adds something I hadn’t thought of: Asian guys are boring, she says, because they’re all the same. They all have the same story, same parents, same college major (engineering or business), same, same, same . . .”

    I can see that intelligence does not seem to run on your wife’s side of the family.

    But hey just to humor you: can you guess why Asian males are so predominate in engineering and such? Heres a hint: it involves them startin’ their 401k before anyone else even scraped up half their first car’s down payment.


    And to all the dumbasses making incessant rants about how females of a certain race is beautiful or not – you’re all retarded as well. People are *gasp* different from one another. Some look good and some do not. And to base your conclusions from your more than likely piss-small circle of acquaintances makes you look like an ignorant jackass.

    It’s amazing how people can discuss so much based off stereotypes.

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