Why Asian Girls Like White Guys II


As in the previous example, these photos are from the same photoset on Flickr:

IMG_2374.JPG IMG_2354.JPG

What could be worse than being an Asian woman in Asia and having to surrender your mystical Oriental hotness to Asian men? In no other race — white, black, Hispanic — are the women so much better-looking than the men.

Now you might say: What about Indian or Middle Eastern men? Aren’t they uglier than Asian men?

Possibly — but my point is that their women are incredibly ugly as well, so it’s a good match.

My wife’s cousin, also an Asian girl, agrees with my theory, but adds something I hadn’t thought of: Asian guys are also boring, she says, because they’re all the same. They all have the same story, same parents, same college major (engineering or business), same, same, same . . .

  506 comments for “Why Asian Girls Like White Guys II

    17 Jul 2009 at 2:16 am

    Hello blog writer,

    I am very sorry that you feel very insecure with yourself that you have to resort to insulting Asian men! The typical white man has excessive body hair, smells like goat fetus, and drinks beer while watching ESPN all day. Are you one of those guys? Do you feel threatened that Asian men are getting taller, dress better, are more talented in the arts, are the most educated, and are getting all the good jobs? It’s a shame that women flock to black men to fulfill their deepest sexual desires that whitey man can’t, while many women are also starting to marry Asian men because they have the confidence, the looks, and the money. Where does that leave hairy, goat-fetus-smelling white men like you? You must have low self-esteem and be very afraid of Asian men!

    But the truth is, you shouldn’t be afraid of Asian men. Please do not be scared, we Asian men, threatening as we might be to you, are very kind people and mean no harm. I know you feel bad and hurt from this message and thus, compelled to respond sarcastically like the cultured and intelligent whitey you think you are, but please don’t! Don’t feel bad! Really! At least you have a wife! For increasingly undesirable white men like you, that’s quite an accomplishment these days! So for that, I give you 2 high-fives! Let us celebrate by ordering some Chinese takeout while we sip some more beer and watch intense sports matches on ESPN!

    Here is a picture of me taking a huge hit of poppers, putting on my see-through poncho and going out to hook up with white women:

    Crazy Asian guy

    I know what you must be thinking: a) I did not know that Asian men had such massive endowments! b) Is that his pubic hair or does he have Buckwheat in a leg lock?


  2. Stacey
    19 Jul 2009 at 2:50 pm

    Sounds like the author is a bitter man who lost his girlfriend/wife to an Asian man.

  3. ChicagoBullsRule
    19 Jul 2009 at 3:00 pm

    Wow…talk about a racist. So, tell me…what do you think about Megan Fox finding a Korean guy hot?

  4. Roger
    3 Aug 2009 at 7:17 am


    apologies in advance because I’m from a time and place where our grammar/punctuations are grossly different, and this translator is faulty since it’s “contemporary” is within a 30-year time period and spellcheck/slang filter is dead

    also, names of people now and in the past have been replaced with usernames

    I am what you guys would call a ‘college sophomore’ majoring in history with a minor in human sexuality. I don’t want anyone to freak out, with that I hope you’re prepared to know that I’m from the 24th century. No I do not live with Warner Bros(?) cartoon characters or am I on hallucinogens/ off psychosis medication. I’m here because of my final project about race and hooking up in the 21th century where miscegenation was barely accepted; for extra credit I did a research about Emmett Till [holla_AtchUwhitegurl37]and this was the first thing that came up on Geegle. time travel is only limited to the internet. If you find this less than credible then you should hit up my peeps on posts 173 and 199.

    I can tell you that HosWit1093 is telling the truth about female oriental mystique and the unattractiveness of their male counterparts. But sulk not, oriental men! through rapid trials of natural selection (2145-2266 A.D.), male mongoloids used their off-turning monotony to their advantage and could reproduce, ASEXUALLY!!! how da-bomb is that???

    there is a downside to the truth: Middle Easterners are outraged by their ugliness and now they feel so ashamed that the guys resort to wearing burquas too (now you know why the women wear them in the first place). that’s okay because Allah [f_israel_666] still thinks you’re beautiful

    mad commentors need to stop being all up in others’ grills with yo flamin n counterstereotypical bs because it’s only the 21st century for yall,. and instead of wasting your life and energy being angry at an opinion (which eventually turns factual) on the web… you could do something productive like giving your boss a backrub, going to a Scorpions concert, or even hunting geese and cleaning it then throwing the viscera at little children for a laugh!

    I’m a third elven and a twelfth chimpanzee (just because I am not a homosapien dont make me dum) and my birthmom is Irish. I live in AmericaTown in the Chinese Confederacy now independent after we won against the evil Manchurian Union led by Ulysses S. Ching [xXazn_UboatxXx342]

    -Roger [Nostrodamus_reIncarnate4723]

    Septober 47, 2359

    ps the 2012 thing was a hoax
    pps/pss this is my first message and last message on here i won’t reply to anything now i will browse the earlier stages of pornography in 2009 AD.

  5. pineapple
    12 Aug 2009 at 12:34 pm

    well i believe that asian women are REALLY beautiful! but i don’t think asian men are less than the women! in my opinion asian men are the most attractive ones.
    i am middle eastern, female and don’t have to “hide” my face (or whatever).
    when i went to asia there were many attractive men who didn’t care about racism and wanted to date me. i’m sorry if people would hate me, because my eyes are bigger, my lashes are longer… but i don’t think i’m less attractive than women from other races.
    some white women have beautiful, coloured eyes. that’s why some asian men (good looking ones!) are attracted to them! and other handsome men (also asians) are attracted to women from other races. that’s the same with those beautiful asian women!
    and other women in the world.
    i think there are beautiful women from every race. but men are different.. i think the race of the woman isn’t THAT important to many guys. they’re just attracted to them as woman!

  6. Aso-bee
    12 Aug 2009 at 11:05 pm

    I am a Mauritian boy of Indian-Nepalese origin, and according to the original article above and some of the previous comments, it can perceived that this is quite a selective-racism debate. Here in Mauritius the deal is exactly the same. Sino-mauritian girls are completely in the caucasian-loving thing. It seems quite ridiculous to me. Indian guys like me, are entirely evicted from the dating list of asian girls. They just say: I’ve never considered dating an indian guy, it’s not that am racist, but I prefer white guys, they are much more better looking.
    Does this whole thing means that though I have a fun personality, very friendly, faithful, have good taste, dress well, BUT not being 6ft(i am 5ft6), having blue/green/hazel eyes(i have brown-black), blonde/auburn/red hair(black long hair), white skin(i have same skin complexion as kanye west), and a cool christian name makes me ugly(i have a traditional typical indian name), makes me really ugly.???
    Actually my girlfriend of 2years is of Chinese origin, and despite the fact that she loves me, she keeps saying that am the only indian guy she finds acceptable-looking and that people having caucasian features are those gifted with true beauty traits. Personally I find this whole matter completely pathetic.

  7. Aso-bee
    12 Aug 2009 at 11:36 pm

    asian girls think that going out with a white guy is something different and unique, who do they think they are fooling?? If we sum up all those asian girls that date caucasian men, then we realise that this is not a minority phenomenon.

  8. Asian woman
    15 Aug 2009 at 5:07 pm

    I am an eastern Asian but I think that Iranians are the best looking people in the world!!!

  9. HeyHEy!
    17 Aug 2009 at 9:51 pm

    Oriental hotness, LOl!… Western men are jealous of asian guys cause of our girls, lol. So what, Western guys dont like thier women anymore?

    Asian girls are not all that hot. U dudes got to much yellow fever from watching them anime and porn vids. Let me tell u something, not all asian girls are attractive. Not all of them look like those asian pop stars and av idols and shit. I admit i find non asian girls way more attractive. Yeh, i guess u can say im white washed but so what. I’ve been dating a white girl for the past 8 months. My previous girl was asian and i’d hav to say white girls are so much funner. What the hell is up with all this white men bashing on asian guys and shit. Get a life.

  10. john
    19 Aug 2009 at 1:05 am

    to tell you the truth. i am a white male and i think the reason we like asian women is because they do some pleasure for you that other woman wouldnt. if you know what i mean. My ex wife would not let me do alot of things to her and get them back. I have an asian girlfriend and she does EVERYTHING for me. I mean i think i am the luckiest man. Plus they are very easy going but are very controlling at times

  11. Anti-Hip Hop
    24 Aug 2009 at 7:37 am

    I just wanted to say that the real reason that White guys like asian women is that in general the asian culture is very respectful of the true happiness. Hip Hop is like Trash culture. Too many american women have adopted this and go after guys who are total players leaving the good ol boy american guy dateless. Asian women just appreciate us. We work hard and we dont want to cause any drama and we just accept those who love us for who we are who some of which happen to be asian women.
    There is no deficit with asian guys. However there is a deficit with White guys when in the dating field with black guys. The black guys are total players and are responsible for the distribution of aids throughout the world. Where did HIV start? Africa.
    The real question is… Why are all of the white girls leaving white guys for trash thus leaving all the white guys single? Asian guys? Help us out please i am begging. This hip hop crap have gotten outta control We do realize that you guys are the masters of the future.

  12. 2 Sep 2009 at 7:18 am

    Some of what I say may be considered insulting, so here goes.

    1) I live in NYC. In my opinion NYC white girls will not date anybody making less than 75K per year, weekends off, trust fund. How many non-white people have that kind of jobs? Therefore white men gravitate towards less expensive Asian girls.

    2) White women are starting to date each other rather than compromise to their exhorbiant financial standards. That’s why the lesbian look is the rage in NY.

    3) There is a recent story in the news about a California guy that kidnapped this girls and had 2 kids with her while she was held captive. Turns out he wanted lots of children, but was flat broke. See # 1 again.

  13. Mongrel
    2 Sep 2009 at 10:06 pm

    “What could be worse than being an Asian woman in Asia and having to surrender your mystical Oriental hotness to Asian men?”

    What kind of a question is this? I hope you did not mean to be offensive because that question was bordering racism.

    I feel that this post is coming from a place of ignorance. First and foremost, every culture defines beauty differently. For example, East Asian countries in general find slim men more attractive than muscular guys.

    Every race has “uglies and pretties”, do not think for one second that 90% of Asian girls are hot. Visit Asia and I will assure you that you will be very surprised. There are also Asian men who fit the “western” idea of beauty, but being Asian, it would stand to reason that there’s a relatively small number of them.

    If you’re pointing out the disparity of male-female attractiveness in cultures/races, I will tell you now that Caucasians are not an exempt from the harsh reality that beautiful people are a rarity. There are really hot Caucasian girls who seem to be wasting their time with their ugly white boyfriends. It is utter delusion to think that every Caucasian male is attractive.

    As for your wife’s cousin… she should probably go out more.

  14. Canned peaches
    3 Sep 2009 at 1:23 am

    OMG LOL. THis is obviously coming from a white guy with some asian fetish.

  15. Skolten
    9 Sep 2009 at 12:51 am

    Im a white guy and have dated 4 or 5 asian girls alot of white girls and am currently dating a hispanic girl. I like all beautiful women of many diff. colors. i dont believe its fare to call an entire race of women ugly if so maybe you just have not been exposed to them. i used to think that most black chicks were nasty but after goin down to Atlanta i seen there are alot of beautiful black women. maybe you just need to be exposed to more and be more open minded. i dont agree with all asian guys are boring ugly yada yada either. i have asian guy friends who get alot of hot white girls and prefer them over asian girls. i myself find women of all races beautiful and date the ones i have the most fun with, i have found alot of white girls to be clingy,spoiled, and quite annoying but i cant say they are all that way. my current g.f is hispanic and i am really digging her petite size dark skin and beautiful face she is absolutely stunning as far as looks go and has a great personality. she makes me laugh like none other and has high morals and is exactly what a woman to me should be. as far as what girls are attracted to id say its all personality. it has nothing to do with money, looks, the latest styles or your education. girls wanna guy that is into them cuz they crave for attention i dont think they dig guys that are into themselves.

  16. Mauritian dude
    12 Sep 2009 at 1:35 pm

    Hi there dudes and dudettes.To begin with, i should thank the one who started this topic….it sure made my day.lol. My ancestors came from India and i was born on an island. I am not short and fragile-looking like the indian dudes, but i do have their facial features. Without boasting or anything, i have had white, black and asian chicks of all ages, sizes, etc…. in my short life( i am only 21). So my point is just because you find asian men attractive, etc…. it doesn’t mean that the entire world agrees with you. Have a good life, bro. cya 🙂

  17. Elle
    12 Sep 2009 at 5:45 pm

    Most of these pathetic comments have no merits or any validation. What is wrong with you people and the man who started this thread?! Is your life so boring with your Asian wife that you have to bring up a pointless none intriguing subject? Give me a break!! Though, some of your points may be true, it’s childish. Grow up and find something productive to do with your time and life. You, having an Asian wife doesn’t qualify you as a stud. How pathetic. Most white men that I see with Asian women are old and trashy looking (going to your level of intelligence and argument of nothingness). I look like a model, but I would hate for you to use me and five others to validate your pathetic argument.

  18. TheTruthHurts
    16 Sep 2009 at 12:07 am

    White boys are stupid and full of themselves. This is the REAL reason Asian girls like white boys. They don’t like Asian guys because we are too smart, thus making them feel dumb all the time. Being with a white boy makes them feel intelligent and superior. Also, Asian guys will not allow themselves to be pussy-whipped. But you do see lots of pussy-whipped white boys walking around with an Asian girl. LOL

  19. John
    19 Sep 2009 at 11:56 am

    First off Asian women and men are absolutely hideous. And by Asian I mean East Asian/ Oriental, because the hottest Indian girls are way better than any Oriental girl. Honestly I hate their buck-teeth, narrow eyes and flat nose and this goes for guys too.

  20. ted
    20 Sep 2009 at 2:34 pm

    Sorry to crash the party. There’s not a single race of people on this planet with good looks all the way around. I see ugly white people everyday. To cure that, only beautiful people should procreate (people who had plastic surgery should not procreate since they will pass their poor genetics). Unfortunately, I am not a dictator and I can not enforce that rule.

    So you see several, if not most, butt ugly minorities in your inbred towns. Because that’s what I see every time I go inside an Indian or Chinese restaurant.

    BUT – I have traveled outside the country and I have seen very attractive woman of every race. They are one of the few, but I would not have a problem whatsoever having babies with them.

    By the way – to answer your question why asian girls go after white men…because they want to “assimilate”.

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