Author Archive: Hostile Witness

In Which We Learn That You’re Much More Likely to be Killed by a Bed Than by a Political Extremist


‘We are a tinderbox’: Political violence is ramping up, experts warn — Los Angeles Times Politically motivated violence has ebbed and flowed throughout U.S. history. Currently, America is going through an upsurge in right-wing violence, according to researchers who track attacks and other incidents. They say today’s climate is comparable to that in the mid-1990s, when a similar wave of right-wing violence culminated in the 1995 bombing of the federal office building in Oklahoma City, which killed 168 people. I’ll call bullshit on that. In fact, to avoid having to repeat myself, I’ll call bullshit on most of the article. It’s extremely slanted. There were 9,625 threats against members of Congress and their families last year, according to the Capitol Police — more than twice as many as in 2017. How many of the threats were carried out? I’ll estimate zero. “Death threats” are the biggest scam . . .… Read more →

My Beto O’Rourke Campaign Ad


No guns though because this guy is a low-testosterone pussy who wouldn't know how to hunt, kill and eat something if his life depended on it. What a useless creature. Total waste of oxygen. — Paul Epps (@paulepps) October 1, 2022 Read more →

PETA Advocates Sex Strike


Don't women also enjoy sex? I suppose some women like animals more than sex but those are not the women you're going to have a good time with anyway. — Paul Epps (@paulepps) September 28, 2022 I mean, if a woman doesn’t want to put meat in her body . . . well, you see where I’m going with this . . . Also, I would expect the number of meat-eating women to be roughly equal to the number of meat-eating men. How are meat-eating women going to be punished? Read more →

It All Depends on Who’s Slinging the Hash


"Cries." Boo hoo. Maybe you disagree but wishing the Queen of England an excruciating death is something one could take exception to without even knowing the race of the person who said it. — Paul Epps (@paulepps) September 16, 2022 I don’t think the sentiment would play any better coming from a white person. The article goes on to say that the professor has faced “violent threats, harassment and abuse.” OK, first of all, let’s all keep our hands to ourselves. No violence. But still, of all the people who claim to have received violent threats or death threats, how many have actually been violently attacked? How many have died? The only case that comes to my mind is Salman Rushdie, and he didn’t get a death threat from a lone nut, he got a death threat from a global religion. Other than that, I have to call bullshit… Read more →

More People I’m Sick Unto Death Of: Virtue Signalers


How many people showed up for Obama's birthday bash? Was a humanitarian crisis declared? — Paul Epps (@paulepps) September 16, 2022 We openly welcome all refugees and undocumented immigrants to our country, but we don’t want them in our literal back yard. That’s asinine! Some people will say anything to fit in with the groups they want to fit in with and/or to signal that they are more caring and compassionate than the average person. Like the people with Ukrainian flags in their social media profiles. It costs nothing. I support Ukraine! I’m not going to go to Ukraine and pick up a rifle and neither is anyone in my family. I’m not going to host Ukrainian refugees. But by posting this flag I signal that I and people like me are better people than you are. What percentage of people with Ukrainian flags in their social media profiles… Read more →

Get The L Out


Get The L Out is critical of the trans ideology. They say, quite rightly, that it is erasing lesbians, both by transing young lesbians and turning them into ‘men’ and by saying that anyone can be a lesbian, even if you have a penis. So they turned up at Pride Cymru with banners saying ‘Lesbians don’t like penises’ – yes, this apparently needs to be said in 2022 . . . And what happened? They were ejected by police. By those Pride-enforcing cops of 21st-century Britain. This essentially means it has become a risky endeavour to publicly declare that you are same-sex attracted, that you are a homosexual. The idea of same-sex attraction runs counter to the post-sex, post-biology lunacy of the Pride religion, and so it is problematised, demonised, even censored. Gay rights? Pride is a threat to them, not the upholder of them. — “The Tyranny of Pride” Read more →

Even the Price of Getting Up is Going Up


A friend and former colleague is telling me about a recent trip to a massage parlor . . . “She offered to take her clothes off and give me a hand job for $140. A hundred and 40 dollars?!. “I said, ‘I can get a hand job for $60, if you’re gonna disrobe, I can add another $20, maybe $40.’ “‘Come on,’ she says. ‘Help me out.’ I told her to just massage my feet. “Is this inflation or what? I can’t get a naked woman to jerk me off for less than $140?! I’ve had full service for $120. Man, fuck Joe Biden.” Read more →

The Jerry Hall Problem


Sylvester Stallone’s Wife Jennifer Flavin Files for Divorce After 25 Years of Marriage – Women have got it made, my friends. No matter what you hear about sexism, glass ceilings, misogynist Republicans, etc., men can’t do what Jennifer Flavin (and others) can do, i.e., marry a rich, older spouse, get divorced, take a windfall profit, and still have a lot of good years ahead of you. Flavin is 54. Her soon-to-be ex-husband is 76. I read the other day that Jerry Hall filed for divorce from Rupert Murdoch. I didn’t even know she was married to Rupert Murdoch. I know she was Mick Jagger’s partner for long enough to have four kids with him. The child support from someone of Mick Jagger’s wealth, while I don’t know exactly what it is, has got to provide a very handsome income stream. Jerry Hall is 66 years old. She looks good… Read more →

More Words and Phrases I’m Sick Unto Death Of: Assigned at Birth


As in, “He was assigned male at birth.” It sounds like other options were available, doesn’t it? Like a child being assigned a name or a house at Hogwarts. Is there any plausible scenario where the child would be assigned anything other than male at birth? Suppose the doctor said, “I assign this child as female.” And then the parents freak out and say “Are you fucking nuts?! He’s not female, he’s got a penis.” “Hmmm,” says the doctor. “Well . . . you’ve got me there.” If it wasn’t so easy to determine the sex of a newborn at a glance — it doesn’t require a medical degree — you could go with a DNA test, since every cell in the human body is marked male or female. That never changes, no matter how many hormones you take or how many surgeries you have. It’s biological and permanent. In… Read more →

Don’t Waste Your Money on Something Stupid


First Son spent $30k in five months on ‘the girlfriend experience’ — Hunter Biden spent $30,000 in five months on prostitutes, I can’t find in the article how much he spent on crack in the same period, and what did he do with the rest of his money? Probably just wasted it on something stupid . . . Read more →

People I Thought Were Dead


John Amos, actor Meredith Baxter, actress Lou Christie, pop singer Jaime Farr, actor David Hartman, TV host Judd Hirsch, actor Stacy Keach, actor Bernie Kopell, actor Michael Learned, actress Lee Majors, actor Lee Meriwether, actress Ryan O’Neal, actor Gene Shalit, film and book critic Leslie Uggams, singer/actress Liv Ullmann, actress Burt Ward, actor Updates Ryan O’Neal, died 12/8/2023, age 82 Read more →

5 Reasons We’re Not Helped by More Gun Laws


The most common statistical sleight of hand when it comes to showing charts of gun murder rates per capita by country, with the United States always in the lead, is that these charts, somewhere in the fine print, and sometimes not at all, note that they’re only charting so-called “developed” countries, meaning that the U.S. is being compared to countries like Japan and France, but that Latin American countries and African countries, among others, are left out. So — 50+ people shot to death in a Nigerian church? Doesn’t count because Nigeria is not a “developed” country. And so on. (The other thing you have to pay attention to is whether a chart is showing gun murders or gun deaths. The U.S. has a very high suicide rate compared to most other countries — more than 60 percent of our gun deaths are suicides — so rolling the suicides in… Read more →

None of Our Business


The New Yorker completely missed the point of the verdict, which was “It’s none of our business. We’re returning the question to the people and the state legislatures so people can vote on it via their elected representatives.” Also: is it intentional that the host looks like a man in a dress? View this post on Instagram A post shared by The New Yorker Cartoons (@newyorkercartoons) Read more →

Better Get a Gun


The California Department of Justice’s 2022 Firearms Dashboard Portal went live on Monday with publicly-accessible files that include identifying information for those who have concealed carry permits. . . . 2,891 people in Los Angeles County with standard licenses also had their information compromised by the leak, though the database appears to include some duplicate entries as well. — “Massive Trove of Gun Owners’ Private Information Leaked by California Attorney General” What would be the point of having this information on a public website? Why not just provide a map showing which California homeowners have guns and which don’t so criminals don’t needlessly endanger themselves by invading an armed residence? Read more →

After School Drag Shows, What’s Next?


I have to chuckle when I see this picture, not just because the guy facing the camera is grotesque, but because my own son grew up in the Irvine school district, which is a very academically oriented district, especially in north Irvine (where we lived) and south Irvine, both predominantly Asian neighborhoods, and if an Irvine kid texted home a photo like this, there’d be a lynch mob in the district office by 3 p.m. the same day. The question on everyone’s lips would be “How is a drag show in a school gymnasium going to help my child get into a top university? Where does this go on the college application?” We all have our little peccadillos, sexual and otherwise. How exhibiting certain of these (though not others), e.g., cross-dressing, not only in public but in schools became a thing that people do is a mystery to me. Speaking… Read more →

The Jack Del Rio Dust-Up


Washington Commanders fine defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio $100,000 for his comments about Jan. 6 — Del Rio referred to Jan. 6, 2021, as a “dust-up” rather than the preferred-by-many term “insurrection.” In a statement released by the team, coach Ron Rivera said, among other things: — Washington Commanders (@Commanders) June 10, 2022 “This morning I met with coach Del Rio to express how disappointed I am in his comments on Wednesday. His comments do not reflect the organization’s views and are extremely hurtful to our great community here . . .” What a great place to work! You’re not allowed to have a thought and say it out loud without having it pre-approved by “the organization.” I’m also surprised that even the most dysfunctional crybabies find the use of the term “dust-up” hurtful, let alone “extremely hurtful.” Maybe it’s just me . . . I don’t think… Read more →

Assessing the Dangers That We Face in Life


Since a mentally disturbed 18-year-old white supremacist murdered 10 African Americans and injured three others at a Buffalo market May 14, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) report “Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2021” has been cited repeatedly as evidence of the lethal threat posed by far-right extremists. There are a lot of problems with the ADL data, starting with the fact that many of the “white supremacist” killings were not hate crimes aimed at terrorizing blacks or other minorities. For example: Two members of a white supremacist prison gang allegedly killed a member of the rival Southwest Honkeys prison gang. A New Jersey man who had vandalized synagogues and distributed neo-Nazi pamphlets strangled his wife. A white supremacist with a swastika and SS tattoos on his face killed another man in an extended-stay hotel following an argument over a social media post. A member of a white supremacist… Read more →

Wrong Place, Wrong Time


15-Year-Old Arrested in Shooting Death of 11-Year-Old Girl — Give the poor kid a break. He was shooting at a 13-year-old boy and missed. The girl was in the wrong place at the wrong time, that’s all. Read more →

What’s Wrong With the SAT?


According to the LA Times, the chronic absence rate in LAUSD for black students is 57 percent. For Latinos, it is 49 percent. And poor performance by these groups on standardized tests like the SAT is due to the fact that the tests are racist, not because the students don’t show up for school. Read more →

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