EppsNet Archive: New York City

Thomas Jefferson on Pete Buttigieg, Lies and Crime Stats


Keeping it real here, Mayor Pete can't possibly know what Donald Trump or anyone else actually thinks about anything. More on this later …https://t.co/kmuyogVwFi — Paul Epps (@paulepps) July 30, 2024 My fellow Americans – What Mayor Pete is saying here is that even though Donald Trump has disavowed a national abortion ban, he — Mayor Pete — doesn’t believe him because “he lies all the time.” In my opinion, this is not the right moment in history for Democrats to take a holier-than-thou position vis-a-vis lying to the American people. If I were a Democrat, I would not show my face in public and if I did, it would not be to lecture anyone on the perils of lying to the public. We’ve just had 3-1/2 years of Democrats lying to us about the mental health of our president, Joe Biden. Anyone, during that period of time, could watch… Read more →

Putting NYC on Blast


I’ll be in New York City visiting my son for a few days. His mom is coming along. She’s heard about anti-Asian violence (she’s Asian) in big cities so she’s packing a canister of pepper spray that she bought for $15. I hope the pepper spray comes with instructions so she doesn’t accidentally shoot it into my face or her own face. I’ll be helping out while perps are trying to recover from the pepper spray by side-kicking them into a row of garbage cans. (Do New Yorkers use garbage cans or just throw their trash on the street?) Anyway, if that doesn’t go viral, I don’t know what will. Read more →

If You Gotta Go, Go Now


One of my students says she was so frustrated with an assignment she was ready to throw her computer out the window. “What floor do you live on,” I ask. “Second.” “Oh, well that probably wouldn’t kill anyone, just a bump on the noggin. But you can’t say for sure if it hit them just right. Be sure you’re wearing a mask though when you do that.” She lives in New York. My son also lives in New York so I had to call to warn him to be on the lookout for falling computers. “Because I know someone who may be throwing one out a window. But only from the second floor so you’ll probably be able to see it coming and step out of the way.” If I lived in New York and it came down to being killed by COVID or by a falling computer, I’d take… Read more →

See You in Hell’s Kitchen


[See You in Hell is a feature by our guest blogger, Satan — PE] Did you know that there’s a neighborhood in Manhattan called Hell’s Kitchen? I drop by randomly to say, “Bonjour douchebag, make me a waffle!” See you in Hell! Read more →

NY Times Annual Dissing of Black Students


First of all, I don’t know who is helped by these annual NY Times headlines on the academic underperformance of students with darker skin pigmentation. The black kid going out on an interview and the interviewer reads the NY Times — is he helped? Who is helped? What’s the point? Asian students by the way are doing great! Over half of the offers to “elite” NYC public high schools went to Asian kids. And these are not crazy rich Asians we’re talking about, they’re low-income Asians, immigrants, children of immigrants, who have an added disadvantage of living in homes where English is not the primary language. In my experience, kids can achieve remarkable competence in anything that’s important to them, and getting into these top schools has enormous significance in Asian families. Why doesn’t the NY Times run an annual story on how many Asians are selected in the NBA… Read more →

Incitement of Violence


Apple CEO Tim Cook said the removal of Parler from Apple’s online store was done because the company doesn’t consider incitement of violence free speech. “We looked at the incitement to violence that was on there and we don’t consider that free speech and incitement of violence has an intersection,” Cook told Fox News anchor Chris Wallace. Yes, “incitement of violence” is the party line and Tim Cook I guess is just a puppethead. Despite the faux outrage over the Capitol riot, the virtuous left seems ok with using and endorsing violence when it suits them. Antifa has had ongoing riots in major American cities. Left-wing “protests” often include looting, smashing store windows, burning down people’s homes and businesses. An MLK Day protest in New York City this week resulted in 11 police officers injured and 28 arrests. If you try to get a conservative speaker on a college campus,… Read more →